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古希腊战役 第二章 来自海上的战士

发表于 2011-12-3 00:56:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 wyadell 于 2015-7-11 07:34 编辑

真人游戏|足球篮球|时时⑵彩| 六合投⑵注| 网络赚钱:顶级信用⑵提现百分百即时到账SO.CC
<>&nbsp;</P><><FONT color=#ff3300>战役汉化内容在这里,由于时间关系,没打算组织语言,只是简单的翻译,有好的译文可跟贴留言</FONT></P><><FONT color=#ff3300>以便改正补充</FONT></P><P>&nbsp;</P><P>These fierce warrior horsemen are the Achaians. Some say they originated in Anatolia, and learned to ride horses in Thessaly. They will fight to the death to gain control of the wild herds here in Hellas.<BR>这些凶猛的家伙就是亚该亚人。有人说他们在塞萨利学会骑马。在希腊他们象野兽一样不停战斗直到死亡。</P><P><BR>My sons and my retainers, let us rejoice that we have found a safe haven, however temporary. We shall build up our forces here. When we have transports and warships, our journey north can continue.</P><P>我的儿子和家臣们,让我们高兴的是,我们发现一个安全的避风港,但这是暂时的。我们要在这里建立我们的部队。当我们有运输船和军舰,我们可以继续向北旅行。</P><P>We have begun well, my people. While you continue to work, I will sift through the ancient stories of the land to the north called Hellas. When I have gathered enough information, I will share with you my plans for our future. Trust in me, and we shall achieve our glorious destiny!</P><P>这块土地就是希腊的北部,我的人们,只要你们继续努力,当我收集到足够的信息,我将与你们分享我的计划和理想。相信我,辉煌的未来离我们不远了。</P><P>Argos... at last. To establish our new city, we must construct a Capitol on this plateau. Only then can we become the true masters of this land.</P><P>阿尔戈斯…最后。我们必须把新的城市建设在高原上。只有这样,我们才能成为这片土地真正的主人。</P><P>The citadel at Argos is complete. The power of our people can now grow, and extend across the entire land.</P><P>在阿尔戈斯,城堡是完好的。利用人民的力量种植,并把规模扩展到所有土地。</P><P>Good work! This village is no longer a threat to the people of Danus.</P><P>该城镇已经不再是当那安斯人的威胁.</P><P>Now, with the last village destroyed, all the tribes of Hellas lie humbled before us!</P><P>现在,随着最后的村庄被摧毁,在希腊没有部落敢在我们面前说谎.</P><P>This land is rich with wild horses. I shall call it "horse-pasturing Argos"! But we must beware. The Achaians to the west covet these fine animals, and will not hesitate to fight us for them.</P><P>这片土地生存着大量的野生马。我把它称呼“阿尔戈斯”!但我们还是必须小心保护。西方的亚该亚人也贪图这些美丽的动物,并会毫不犹豫地杀死它们。</P><P>War and destruction had forced King Pelops and his sons to flee from Egypt. But here, in the waters of the Eastern Mediterranean, things were no better. Hunted by the Minoan fleet, the hardy Danaans now looked only for a safe haven where they could rebuild their strength...</P><P>由于战争的破坏,迫使国王珀罗普斯和他的儿子逃离埃及。在地中海东部,又遭遇到米诺斯舰队的追杀,克里特岛现在看起来只是一个安全的避难所,他们可以在这里重建自己的军队…</P><P><BR>At last we&#39;ve landed! To ensure lasting safety for our people we&#39;ll need to instill fear in the hearts of the local tribes. Destroying the town centers of our rivals will serve to keep them in line.</P><P>为了确保我们的人,长期安全,我们需要把恐惧灌输到当地部落。摧毁对方城镇中心就是我们的手段.</P><P><BR>Ah, we have stumbled upon the Messenians - primitive inhabitants of Hellas about whom I have read.</P><P>啊,我们有偶然的美塞尼亚-原始居民的希腊谁看过。</P><P>Those guards were clearly placed here to keep on eye on the gold mines. We must stay alert. The Minoans will surely have more patrols about.</P><P>需要更多警卫守护金矿。我们必须保持警惕。克里特人一定会来抢夺。</P><P><BR>We are discovered! A huge Minoan army advances from the south! We must flee this island!</P><P>注意,一个大群的米诺斯军从南面行来,我们必须离开这个岛.</P><P>Look alert! A Minoan patrol has been sighted!<BR>警告,发现克里特人的巡逻队.</P><P>People of Danus, hear my words! The men who dwell in the land to the north build their villages on high plateaus. It is said that one of these plateaus, known as Argos, is still uninhabited. Let us go to Argos and upon it we shall build a citadel like none seen before.</P><P>当那安斯的人们,听我说!我们可以在高原的北部地区建立我们自己的村庄。那里有一个高原,称为阿尔戈斯,是个无人居住的地方。让我们去阿尔戈斯一起建立一个从来没有过强大的城堡。</P><P><BR>Pelops has fallen! Leaderless, his people are doomed to perish in this foreign land</P><P>珀罗普斯倒下了!在这异国的土地,没有领袖,意味着灭亡,</P><P>The last of Pelops&#39; sons has perished! The royal line of Argos has been severed, and all their efforts have been for naught.</P><P>最后珀罗普斯的儿子也倒下了!去阿尔戈斯线路已经被切断,现在所有的一切努力都是徒劳。</P><P>The Danaans Prosper! The first great age of Greeks has begun.</P><P>第一个属于希腊人的伟大时代开始了,是当那安斯人的繁荣!</P><P>Where is King Pelops? His people need his guidance. He must come to Argos to lead them!</P><P>国王珀罗普斯在哪里?他的人民需要他的指导。他必须带领着他们!</P><P><BR>Build up your forces, then build a Dock, Transports and warships.</P><P>建立你的军队,然后建立一个码头,建造运输船和军舰。</P><P>Take Pelops and his people north to Thessaly.</P><P>珀罗普斯和他的北塞萨利人民。</P><P>Bring Pelops to Argos and destroy 2 enemy Town Centers.</P><P>把珀罗普斯带到阿尔戈斯和毁灭2个敌人城镇中心。</P><P>Bring Pelops to Argos and destroy 1 enemy Town Center.</P><P>把珀罗普斯带到阿尔戈斯和毁灭1个敌人镇中心。</P><P>Construct a Capitol on Argos and destroy 2 enemy Town Centers.</P><P>在阿尔戈斯建立城市和毁灭2个敌人城镇中心。</P><P>Construct a Capitol on Argos and destroy 1 enemy Town Center.</P><P>在阿尔戈斯建立城市和毁灭1个敌人城镇中心。</P><P>Construct a Capitol on Argos.</P><P>在阿尔戈斯建立1个城市</P><P>Bring Pelops to Argos.</P><P>给阿尔戈斯带来更多人民,</P><P>Destroy 2 enemy Town Centers.</P><P>毁灭2个敌人城镇中心。</P><P>Destroy 1 enemy Town Center.</P><P>摧毁敌人的1镇中心。</P><P>- Bring Pelops to the plateau in Argos.</P><P>把珀罗普斯带到阿尔戈斯的高原.</P><P>- To ensure lasting safety for your people, destroy 2 of the 3 enemy Town Centers.</P><P>-确保人民持久安全,摧毁2的3个敌人的城镇中心。</P><P>- Construct a Capitol on Argos.</P><P>- 在阿尔戈斯建立一个国会。</P><P>&nbsp;Argos Plateau</P><P>阿尔戈斯高原</P><P>&nbsp;Pelops</P><P>珀罗普斯</P>
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