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发表于 2009-5-16 21:51:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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真人游戏|足球篮球|时时κ彩| 六合投κ注| 网络赚钱:顶级信用κ提现百分百即时到账SO.CC
<H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 亚洲战役</FONT></H2><P><FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ee1169">第一关</FONT></P><P>原文:</P><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>{Version_1}</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>{1_After Math}</FONT></H2><FONT size=+0><H2><BR><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>{0_Hints}<BR>?As you will see, the resources you have at the beginning are few. Quickly build up a robust economy to fuel the military numbers you will need to defeat the rebels.</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>?Expect a hard fight at the from outset ... the rebels mean business and are desperate to end what they see as Emperor Kwan Do&#39;s tyrannical rule.</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>?A renowned scientist, Dr. Kwai Sung, is developing the ESS technology. Make sure that he is protected at all times.</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>?A large farming community sits on the northern hill in your main base, overlooking the Bo Hai Sea. Protect it, as it is your only means of feeding your troops.</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>?Use your satellites to scout the surrounding terrain for the rebel bases.</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>{3_Instructions}<BR>Xinhua Herald -- May 03, 2035</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>After a turbulent political election, a new figurehead has risen to take the leadership of what was the Republic of China. This man, Hu Kwan Do, head of the Kwan Do electronics and communications conglomerate, now finds himself on the brink of a civil war unequaled in his nations -- and perhaps all the world&#39;s -- history&#39;.</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>Several radical groups wholly opposed to Kwan Do&#39;s policies fled the capitol after the election and set up or joined existing camps of outlaws and terrorists. Through coercion of the local populous, these groups have gathered enough support to wage open war against the new Dynasty.</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>The last three weeks have been one of intense struggle for the newly formed UFAR government. Rebel attacks and acts of terrorism have almost crippled the economic and military production of the entire country. The rebels have succeeded in stealing technologies and military hardware and are using this to their advantage.</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>The loss of life has been horrendous. Emperor Kwan Do has been pushed to his limits and has come to a decision, which he announced yesterday:</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>"For the good of the nation, this civil war must end. Violently, as violence seems to be the only language these terrorist groups understand."</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>Using the enormous resources of his communications empire and the many Global Satellites it has, the New Dynasty now awaits its Emperor&#39;s command to unleash the power of its might upon the rebels.</FONT></H2><H2><BR><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>OBJECTIVES --</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>?Secure the U. F. A. R. Capitol City from Rebel and Terrorist Attacks</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>?Protect Dr. Sung from assassination attempts</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>?Research and Develop a New Technology - The Extrasensory Stimulus Signal</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>?Use Riot Police and Military Fire-Power to eliminate two of the four rebel strongholds</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>?Emperor Hu Kwan Do, Chancellor Ming and the revered scientist Dr. Kwai Sung must survive.</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>We must effect a rescue of Dr. Sung as soon as possible.</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>?Use ground troops and vehicles to create an escort with which to bring Dr. Sung to the mainland.</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>?It is possible that the rebels have temporarily blocked Dr. Sung&#39;s passage to the city. And since we have no way to transport him either by sea or air, it might be best to leave him for a time until we can procure a safe means of transportation for him.</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>?Although there are four pockets of rebel resistance, we need only eliminate two of them to achieve victory.</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>{2_History}<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; In the early part of the 21st Century, The People&#39;s Republic of China, felt itself threatened by several factors that it feared would lessen its standing on the world stage. <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Chief among these were the rampant crime leagues that had spread throughout all of the country, the countries frightening population explosion, and finally the World Trade Organization&#39;s invitation to Taiwan, which China has always considered as a rogue province.&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Added to this was the startling announcement that since the discovery of water and mineral deposits on Mars, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration had put into motion a massive Space Colonization Program that it would soon begin sending colony-building missions to the Red Planet. </FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The Kwan Do Corporation-- an electronics and communications powerhouse, ruled by a ruthless and ambitious line of nobles that could trace their lineage back to the Qin Dynasty --seized the opportunity to capitalize on this series of events and brought about through shady deals and rigged elections, a new Dynasty that would head the Chinese government. <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; This leader of this new Dynasty, Hu Kwan Do, realized that in order to compete in this new environment it must act quickly to achieve an equal level of economic and technologic stability so that China could join in this new race to colonize Mars. <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Therefore, the new Chinese government, quietly and discreetly, put into motion a subtle police and military campaign, that (on the surface) seemed to be an effort to aid in the Global War on Terrorism. However, as became apparent quite early on, this campaign was more about China&#39;s growing need to provide land for its swelling population and the acquisition of resources to fuel its economic and technological needs.</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; As was to be expected, the enormous strain of the economic spending and an extended military action lead to intense internal tensions and reactions to these new political policies and created an atmosphere ripe for revolt and economic chaos - a classic case of the Old Order vs. the New Order. </FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; In order to quell these internal uprisings Hu Kwan Do is forced to round up radical groups of freedom fighters and religious fanatics who feel they have been betrayed by this sudden political shift. With the proliferation of technology and weapons, these splinter groups almost tear the country apart with acts of nuclear and bio-weapon terrorism.</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>All through the turbulence of the election, The Kwan Do Corporation, has been working towards perfecting new technologies that will allow this new China to compete in Space Exploration. <BR>In the Early part of the 21st Century, after mineral deposits and ice were discovered on Mars, many nations began to quickly seek out cheap and effective means to rapidly increase their space exploration programs.</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>So, not only will the new Emperor have to deal with internal struggles, there is an outer struggle hovering on the horizon -- a struggle that will ultimately spell either doom and destruction, or a new era of supremacy and prosperity for the new United Federation of Asian Republics.</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>The last three weeks have been one of intense struggle for the newly formed UFAR government. Rebel attacks and acts of terrorism have almost crippled the economic and military production of the entire country. The rebels have succeeded in stealing several technologies and military hardware and are using this to their advantage.</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>The only hope for the UFAR is one Dr. Kwai Sung -- a brilliant, fascist-thinking genius whose expertise in biomechanics the human genetics will provide the UFAR government with the means to quell the rebel attacks ... if they can keep him alive. </FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>Dr. Sung has been targeted for assassination on numerous occasions....</FONT></H2><H2><BR><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>{132_Effect:! Re-Name Black Robe}<BR>Secret Police</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>{72_Effect:! Re-Name Officer}<BR>Dr. Kwai Sung</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>{65_Effect:! Re-Name Prophet Durer43}<BR>Hu Kwan Do</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>{241_Effect:! Re-Name Rebel German Inf.}<BR>Rebel Marine</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>{66_Effect:! Re-Name Sergei Molotov4}<BR>Chancellor Ming</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>{126_Effect:% Bad News #1}<BR>Chancellor Ming: "Bad news, my Khan.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The rebels have sabotaged our production facilities ... we can only build a few scattered units at this time...&#39;</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>{127_Effect:% Bad News #2}<BR>Chancellor Ming: "Units we can build include some light aircraft and a cyber or two, but at this juncture it would be more cost effective to train infantry."</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>{128_Effect:% Bad News #3}<BR>Chancellor Ming: "Once Dr. Sung has arrived safely in our base and has been brought to the University, then perhaps he will be able to reactivate some of our unit producing facilities."</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>{175_Effect:% Base #1 Destroyed Message}<BR>Chancellor: "My Khan, good news! This rebel faction has been taken care of&nbsp; we should expect no more resistance from them!"</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>{176_Effect:% Base #2 Destroyed Message}<BR>Chancellor: "More good news, My Khan! One of the rebel faction bases has been destroyed! With them eliminated we should expect less resistance from the others!"</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>{177_Effect:% Base #3 Destroyed Message}<BR>Chancellor: "One of the rebel bases has fallen My Khan!"</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>{178_Effect:% Base #4 Destroyed Message}<BR>Chancellor: "Ah, one more rebel base we will not have to trouble ourselves over!"</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>{250_Effect:% Dr. Sung Rescue_Hint}<BR>We must effect a rescue of Dr. Sung as soon as possible.</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>{193_Effect:% Dr. Sung Safe_Message}<BR>Dr. Sung: "Ah! It is good to be back and working again ... soon I will have the technology perfected, that will allow us to take care of these rebels once and for all!"</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>{213_Effect:% ESS Tech Speech}<BR>Dr. Sung: "It is complete! My ESS technology will now allow us to train Police in Mind Control and help put an end to these annoying rebel attacks!"</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>{124_Effect:% Five minute warning}<BR>?I must urge you to hasten the rescue of Dr. Sung. His research is vital to our success against these rebel and terrorist attacks.</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>{202_Effect:% New Horizons}<BR>Chancellor: "My Khan, most interesting news!<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The world&#39;s top aerospace experts have made the announcement that colonization of other worlds is both economically and technologically feasible.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; I suggest we join in this race -- once we have dealt with the rebels of course."</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>{143_Effect:% New Objective #1}<BR>?Construct a new University so that Dr. Sung may continue his research on the ESS technology, and also re-enable our ability to train more efficient military troops.</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>{144_Effect:% New Objective #1_Message}<BR>?We must build a new University so that when we rescue Dr. Sung he may perfect his work on the ESS technology. <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Dr. Sung will also help us to reactivate our military production.</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>{87_Effect:% New Objective #2}<BR>?Bring Dr. Sung to the University so that he may continue his research. We must keep him safe from rebel attacks.</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>{179_Effect:% New Objective #2_Message}<BR>?We must get Dr. Sung safely to the University in our main base, so that he can continue his research. We must accomplish this before more assassination attempts are made on his life.</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>{186_Effect:% Overland Rescue Hint}<BR>?Use ground troops and vehicles to create an escort with which to bring Dr. Sung to the mainland.</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>{185_Effect:% Overland Rescue Message}<BR>Chancellor: "Our only means of recovering Dr. Sung safely are by escorting him with ground troops."</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>{244_Effect:% Rebel Base Goal #1}<BR>?Although there are four pockets of rebel resistance, we need only eliminate two of them to achieve victory.</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>{243_Effect:% Rebel Base Goal #1_Chat}<BR>?We must eliminate two of the four rebel bases to achieve victory.</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>{194_Effect:% Riot Policeman Message}<BR>Dr. Sung&#39;s research has given us the ability to train a new unit ... the Riot Policeman.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; With this new unit, we may pacify large numbers of hostile infantry troops. The Riot Policeman are now available to be created at the Barracks.</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>{184_Effect:% Roadblock Message}<BR>Chancellor: "Roadblock! We will have to eliminate these enemy forces before we can proceed to rescue Dr. Sung!"</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>{123_Effect:% Ten minute warning}<BR>?Remember, my Khan ... we must bring Dr. Sung to the University in order for him to complete his ESS research.</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>{110_Effect:% Times Up Warning}<BR>?My Khan! You must rescue Dr. Sung!<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The rebels are moving swiftly to capture or kill our beloved scientist!</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>{222_Effect:% Transport Available!}<BR>Chancellor: "Excellent news, my Khan ... our engineers were able to restore partial production capabilities to our Docks.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; We may now build transports! We should build one and rescue Dr. Sung as soon as possible!"</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>{125_Effect:% Two minute warning}<BR>?Time is running short, who knows when the next attempt on Dr. Sung&#39;s life will occur!</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>{195_Effect:% Unit Available Message_1}<BR>?A unit has been added to our build cue -- the Flame Thrower. This should aid in our struggle against the rebels. This unit may be trained at the barracks.</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>{196_Effect:% Unit Available Message_2}<BR>?A new unit has been added to our build cue -- the Gladiator Tank. Train them at the Tank Factory.</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>{197_Effect:% Unit Available Message_3}<BR>?The Wyvern Bomber has been added to our build cue. We can build them at our airports.</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>{198_Effect:% Unit Available Message_4}<BR>?The Paladin Cannon has been added to the build cue in the Siege Factory.</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>{200_Effect:% Victory Text}<BR>Emperor Hu Kwan Do: "At last! The rebel forces are defeated! Now we can concentrate on more important matters -- our economy and our technological research -- it is "now our goal to be the first to colonize Mars. It is our destiny!</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>{215_Effect:%Important #1 Chat_Message}<BR>?It is possible that the rebels have temporarily blocked Dr. Sung&#39;s passage to the city. And since we have no way to transport him either by sea or air, it might be best to leave him for a time until we can procure a safe means of transportation for him.</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>{35_Effect:*Asian1_1}<BR>Hu Kwan Do: "This situation is intolerable! Intolerable! <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; These rebel attacks cannot continue, Chancellor! <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; I wish you to dispatch your troops and destroy them once and for all!"</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>{74_Effect:*Asian1_10}<BR>Dr. Kwai Sung: "My research on the ESS technology is almost complete . . . Now I only need to... What!? We are being attacked!"</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>{78_Effect:*Asian1_11}<BR>Rebel Soldier: "Not so fast, Doctor! What you are planning is a weapon that violates human rights laws . . . we cannot allow it!"</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>{79_Effect:*Asian1_12}<BR>Dr. Sung: "Again we must deal with you rebels! I have no time for these interruptions!"</FONT></H2><H2><BR><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>{36_Effect:*Asian1_2}<BR>Chancellor Ming: "As you wish, my Khan.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; But will this action not be frowned upon by the United Nations?"</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>{37_Effect:*Asian1_3}<BR>Hu Kwan Do: "Our actions are completely justifiable . . . these are terrorists we are dealing with! How can we survive as a nation, when internal strife is tearing us apart!? <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; First we take care of our own, then we will worry about the others!"</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>{38_Effect:*Asian1_4}<BR>Chancellor: "Very good, my Khan.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Intelligence has indicated that there are four main strongholds of rebel resistance.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; If we eliminate these pockets of rebel troops, all other dissidents in the country should give up peaceably."</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>{39_Effect:*Asian1_5}<BR>Hu Kwan Do: "Most Excellent. <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; To aid in your endeavor, I have arranged for the great scientist, Dr. Kwai Sung to perfect his Extrasensory Stimulus Signal or ESS device . . . a sophisticated form of Mind Control, which should prove most effective in pacifying these rebel scum.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; I will contact you when the device has been completed."</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>{136_Effect:*Asian1_6}<BR>Chancellor: "Look out! Suicide bomber!"</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>{210_Effect:*Kwai Sung Death Text}<BR>Emperor Kwan Do: "Dr. Sung <BR>is dead! There can be no hope for the survival of the UFAR nation without him!"</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>{208_Effect:*Kwan Do Death Text}<BR>Dr. Sung: "The Emperor is dead! There can be no hope for the survival of the UFAR nation without him!"</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>{12_Effect:*Meanwhile ...}<BR>Across the bay, at Dr. Sung&#39;s Research facility . . .</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>{209_Effect:*Ming Death Text}<BR>Emperor Kwan Do: "My Chancellor is dead! There can be no hope for the survival of the UFAR nation without him!"</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>{88_Effect:*Objective #1 Chat}<BR>?Bring Dr. Sung safely to the mainland so that he may continue his research. Since Dr. Sung&#39;s transport helicopter was destroyed, you will have to find an alternative mode of transportation for him.</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>{86_Effect:*Opening Text}<BR>October 14th, 2035 -- Mainland of the newly established UFAR nation --</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>{1_Player Name:U.F.A.R.}<BR>{2_Player Name:Rebel Forces}<BR>{3_Player Name:Rebel Forces}<BR>{4_Player Name:Rebel Forces}<BR>{5_Player Name:Rebel Forces}<BR>{6_Player Name:Rebel Forces}<BR>{7_Player Name:Rebel Forces}<BR>{8_Player Name:电脑}<BR>{9_Player Name:电脑}<BR>{10_Player Name:电脑}<BR>{11_Player Name:电脑}<BR>{12_Player Name:电脑}<BR>{13_Player Name:电脑}<BR>{14_Player Name:电脑}<BR>{15_Player Name:电脑}<BR>{16_Player Name:电脑}</FONT></H2><H2><FONT face=Tahoma size=3><BR>译文:</FONT></H2><H2><DIV id=result_box dir=ltr>( Version_1 ) <BR><BR>数学) ( 1_After <BR><BR><BR>( 0_Hints ) <BR>?你会看到,你的资源开始时很少。迅速建立一个强有力的<FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #5ea279" color=#dd22b8>经济</FONT>,军事号码燃料则需要击败叛军。 <BR><BR>?预计<FONT color=#e61abd>硬斗争从一开始</FONT>在...叛军意味着企业和绝望结束他们所看到的皇帝关你的残暴统治。 <BR><BR>?著名科学家,<FONT color=#e61a94>医生葵宋</FONT>,是发展中国家的ESS技术。确保他是<FONT color=#e61a94>保护</FONT>在任何时候。 <BR><BR>?的<FONT color=#e61a6b>大型农业社区</FONT>位于北部山中的主要基地,俯瞰渤海海域。<FONT color=#e61a6b>保护它</FONT>,因为它是你的<FONT color=#e61a94>唯一</FONT>手段喂养你的部队。 <BR><BR>?使用您的卫星<FONT color=#ee1169>侦察</FONT>周围地形的叛军基地。 <BR><BR>( 3_Instructions ) <BR>新华报- 2035年5月3日 <BR><BR>在动荡的政治选举中,一个新的代表人物已经上升到采取的领导是什么中华民国。这名男子时,<FONT color=#e61abd>hu kwan do</FONT>,头关你的电子和通讯集团,现在发现自己濒临内战无与伦比他的国家-也许所有的世界-历史。 <BR><BR>一些激进团体完全反对关你的政策后逃离国会选举和成立或加入现有的难民营的不法分子和********。通过胁迫当地人口众多,这些团体收集到足够的支持发动战争的开放的新时代。 <BR><BR>最近三个星期以来一直是一种激烈的斗争为新成立的UFAR政府。叛乱分子的袭击和恐怖主义行为,几乎陷于瘫痪的经济和军事生产的整个国家。叛乱分子已成功地窃取技术和军事装备,并使用这个自己的优势。 <BR><BR>生命的丧失已是骇人听闻的。皇帝关不要一直推到他的限制,并已作出决定,他宣布: <BR><BR>“为了国家的利益,这必须停止内战。暴力,因为暴力似乎是唯一的语言理解这些恐怖主义团体。 ” <BR><BR>利用的巨大资源的通信帝国和许多全球卫星它,现在在等待着新王朝的皇帝的命令来释放的力量,其可能的叛乱分子。 <BR><BR><BR><FONT color=#ee1169>目标-</FONT> <BR><BR>?安全的UFAR国会市从反叛和恐怖袭击 <BR><BR>?保护宋博士从暗杀企图 <BR><BR>?研究和开发一种新技术-特异刺激信号 <BR><BR>?使用防暴警察和军事火力,以消除两国的四个叛军据点 <BR><BR>?皇帝hu kwan do,校长明和崇敬的科学家宋博士葵涌必须生存。 <BR><BR>我们必须影响救援博士宋尽快。 <BR><BR>?使用地面部队和车辆创造一个护送这使博士宋到大陆。 <BR><BR>?这是可能的,叛乱分子已暂时封锁宋博士的通道城市。而且因为我们没有办法将他由海上或空中,最好离开他一段时间,直到我们可以购买一个安全的运输手段为他。 <BR><BR>?虽然有4个口袋的反叛性,我们只需要消除其中两人取得胜利。 <BR><BR>( 2_History ) <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;在年初的21世纪,中华人民共和国,认为自己受到一些因素,它担心会降低它的地位在世界舞台上。 <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;其中最主要的是犯罪猖獗联赛已遍布全国所有的国家,可怕的人口爆炸,并最终在世界贸易组织的邀请到台湾,这是中方一直认为,作为一个无赖省。 <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;时间到,这是惊人的宣布,由于发现了水和矿藏在火星上,美国国家航空和航天局已经付诸实施了大规模空间定植计划,它不久将开始向殖民地建设任务的红色星球。 <BR><BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;关你公司-电子和通信大国,统治的残酷无情的和雄心勃勃的路线贵族,可以寻找他们的血统回到秦-抓住机遇,利用这一系列活动,并带来了阴暗的交易和通过操纵的选举,一个新的王朝,将负责我国政府。 <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;这本新的领导人的时期,hu kwando认识到,为了竞争,在这个新的环境,必须迅速采取行动,以实现平等的经济和技术的稳定,使我国能够加入这个新的种族殖民火星。 <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;因此,新中国政府,悄悄地和谨慎,付诸实施了微妙的警察和军事活动,这(表面)似乎是为了帮助在全球反恐战争。然而,由于显然相当早,这一运动是更多关于中国不断增长的需求,以提供土地供其膨胀的人口和获取资源来推动它的经济和技术的需要。 <BR><BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;正如所料,在巨大压力的经济开支和扩大军事行动,导致内部紧张局势和激烈的反应,这些新的政治政策和制造了一个气氛,时机已经成熟,反抗和经济混乱-一个典型的例子,与旧秩序在新秩序。 <BR><BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;为了平息这些内部起义hu kwan do被迫做的是总结激进团体的自由战士和宗教狂热分子谁觉得自己背叛了这一突如其来的政治转变。随着技术的扩散和武器,这些派别几乎撕裂的国家除了与制止核和生物武器的恐怖主义。 <BR><BR>所有通过湍流的选举中,不要关公司,一直致力于新技术的完善,使这一新的竞争,我国在空间探索领域。 <BR>在年初的21世纪后,矿藏和冰在火星上发现,许多国家开始寻求廉价的迅速和有效的手段,迅速增加自己的空间探索计划。 <BR><BR>因此,不仅新的皇帝必须处理内部斗争,有斗争外徘徊在地平线上-的斗争,最终拼写要么灭亡和销毁,或一个新时代的优势和繁荣的新的美国联邦的中亚共和国。 <BR><BR>最近三个星期以来一直是一种激烈的斗争为新成立的UFAR政府。叛乱分子的袭击和恐怖主义行为,几乎陷于瘫痪的经济和军事生产的整个国家。叛乱分子已成功地偷几个技术和军事装备,并使用这个自己的优势。 <BR><BR>唯一的希望是一个UFAR博士葵涌成-辉煌,法西斯思想的天才,其生物力学专业知识的人类遗传学会提供UFAR政府的手段平息叛乱分子的袭击...如果他们能够让他活着。 <BR><BR>宋博士已被暗杀的目标在许多场合.... <BR><BR><BR>( 132_Effect : !重新命名黑色长袍) <BR>秘密警察 <BR><BR>( 72_Effect : !重新命名干事) <BR>宋博士葵 <BR><BR>( 65_Effect : !重新命名先知Durer43 ) <BR>胡关别 <BR><BR>( 241_Effect : !重新命名反抗德国无限。 ) <BR>反叛海洋 <BR><BR>( 66_Effect : !重新命名谢尔盖Molotov4 ) <BR>校长明 <BR><FONT color=#ee113d>以下是游戏中的对话<BR></FONT>( 126_Effect : %坏消息# 1 ) <BR>校长明: “坏消息,我的汗。 <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;叛乱分子破坏我们的生产设施...我们只能建立一个零散单位在这个时候... &#39; <BR><BR>( 127_Effect : %坏消息# 2 ) <BR>校长明: “单位,我们可以建立包括一些轻型飞机和一个网络,或两个,但在这个时刻将更具成本效益,训练步兵。 ” <BR><BR>( 128_Effect : %坏消息# 3 ) <BR>校长明: “一旦宋博士已安全抵达我们的基地,并已提交给大学,那么也许他将能够恢复我们的一些单位生产设施。 ” <BR><BR>( 175_Effect : %基地# 1毁坏讯息) <BR>校长: “我的汗,好消息!这反叛派别一直照顾我们应该期望更多的阻力来自他们! ” <BR><BR>( 176_Effect : %基地# 2毁坏讯息) <BR>校长: “更多的好消息,我汗!一个反叛派系基地已被摧毁!随着他们消除我们应该期望不到的抵制他人! ” <BR><BR>( 177_Effect : %基地# 3毁坏讯息) <BR>校长: “其中一个叛军基地已经下降我汗! ” <BR><BR>( 178_Effect : %基地# 4毁坏讯息) <BR>校长: “啊,一个叛军基地,我们不会有麻烦自己了! ” <BR><BR>( 250_Effect : %博士宋Rescue_Hint ) <BR>我们必须影响救援博士宋尽快。 <BR><BR>( 193_Effect : %博士宋Safe_Message ) <BR>宋博士: “啊!这是件好事,并要回再次...不久,我将有完善的技术,这将使我们能够照顾这些叛军一劳永逸! ” <BR><BR>( 213_Effect : %的ESS技术语音) <BR>宋博士: “这是完整的!我的ESS技术现在使我们能够训练警察的精神控制,并帮助制止这些恼人的反叛分子的攻击! ” <BR><BR>( 124_Effect : % 5分钟警告) <BR>?我必须敦促你以加快救援博士成。他的研究是至关重要的,以我们的成功对这些叛乱和恐怖袭击。 <BR><BR>( 202_Effect : %新地平线) <BR>校长: “我的汗,最有趣的新闻! <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;世界最大的航空航天专家已宣布殖民化的其他世界,既是经济和技术上是可行的。 <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;我建议我们同在这站比赛-一旦我们处理与叛军当然。 “ <BR><BR>( 143_Effect : %新的目标# 1 ) <BR>?建造一个新的大学,使宋博士可能会继续他的研究对ESS技术,并重新启用的能力,培养更多的高效率的军队。 <BR><BR>( 144_Effect : %新的目标# 1_Message ) <BR>?我们必须建立一个新的大学,这样,当我们救援成博士,他可能会完善自己的工作ESS技术。 <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;宋博士也将帮助我们恢复我们的军事生产。 <BR><BR>( 87_Effect : %新的目标# 2 ) <BR>?把宋博士的大学,使他可以继续他的研究。我们必须确保他安全的叛乱分子的袭击。 <BR><BR>( 179_Effect : %新的目标# 2_Message ) <BR>?我们必须让宋博士大学安全在我们的主要基地,使他能够继续他的研究。我们必须做到这一点之前,更多的暗杀是对他的生命。 <BR><BR>( 186_Effect : %欧弗兰特救援提示) <BR>?使用地面部队和车辆创造一个护送这使博士宋到大陆。 <BR><BR>( 185_Effect : %欧弗兰特救援讯息) <BR>校长: “我们的唯一手段恢复宋博士是安全护送他的地面部队。 ” <BR><BR>( 244_Effect : %叛军基地目标# 1 ) <BR>?虽然有4个口袋的反叛性,我们只需要消除其中两人取得胜利。 <BR><BR>( 243_Effect : %叛军基地目标# 1_Chat ) <BR>?我们必须消除两个四个叛军基地取得胜利。 <BR><BR>( 194_Effect : %防暴警察讯息) <BR>宋博士的研究,使我们的能力,培养一个新单位...防暴警察。 <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;有了这个新的单位,我们可以安抚大批敌对步兵部队。防暴警察,现已创建在军营。 <BR><BR>( 184_Effect : %路讯息) <BR>校长: “路!我们必须消除这些敌军,然后我们才能着手救援宋博士! ” <BR><BR>( 123_Effect : % 10分钟预警) <BR>?记住,我的汗...我们必须把宋博士的大学,使他能够完成他的ESS研究。 <BR><BR>( 110_Effect : %时报警告) <BR>?我汗!你必须拯救博士宋! <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;叛军正在迅速逮捕或杀死我们敬爱的科学家! <BR><BR>( 222_Effect : %交通工具! ) <BR>校长: “极好的消息,我的汗...我们的工程师能够恢复部分生产能力,我们的码头。 <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;我们现在可以建立运输!我们应该建立一个和救援宋博士尽快! “ <BR><BR>( 125_Effect : %两分钟警告) <BR>?时间不多了,谁知道下一次尝试时,宋博士的生活将发生! <BR><BR>( 195_Effect : %股可Message_1 ) <BR>?一个单位增加了我们建设线索-火焰运动员。这应该有助于我们的反政府武装斗争。这可能是训练单位的营房。 <BR><BR>( 196_Effect : %股可Message_2 ) <BR>?一个新的单位已经被添加到我们的建设线索-坦克的斗士。训练他们在坦克厂。 <BR><BR>( 197_Effect : %股可Message_3 ) <BR>?的Wyvern轰炸机已经被添加到我们的建设线索。我们可以建立他们在机场。 <BR><BR>( 198_Effect : %股可Message_4 ) <BR>?的帕拉丁景隆已加入建立线索在围困厂。 <BR><BR>( 200_Effect : %胜利文字) <BR>皇帝胡关你: “了! ,叛军被击败!现在,我们可以集中于更重要的事情-我们的经济和我们的技术研究-这是”现在我们的目标是成为第一个殖民火星。这是我们的命运! <BR><BR>( 215_Effect : %重要# 1 Chat_Message ) <BR>?这是可能的,叛乱分子已暂时封锁宋博士的通道城市。而且因为我们没有办法将他由海上或空中,最好离开他一段时间,直到我们可以购买一个安全的运输手段为他。 <BR><BR>( 35_Effect : * Asian1_1 ) <BR>胡关别: “这种状况是不能容忍的!不能容忍! <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;这些叛乱分子的袭击不能再继续下去,校长! <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;我祝你派遣的部队并摧毁他们一劳永逸! “ <BR><BR>( 74_Effect : * Asian1_10 ) <BR>宋博士葵: “我的研究ESS技术已接近完成。 。 。现在,我只需要...什么! ?我们正在受到攻击! ” <BR><BR>( 78_Effect : * Asian1_11 ) <BR>叛乱士兵: “没有这么快,医生!你的规划是一个武器,违反了人权法。 。 。我们不能允许它! ” <BR><BR>( 79_Effect : * Asian1_12 ) <BR>宋博士: “我们必须再次处理您叛军!我没有时间对这些中断! ” <BR><BR><BR>( 36_Effect : * Asian1_2 ) <BR>校长明: “如你愿意,我的汗。 <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;但是,这一行动将不会不受联合国? “ <BR><BR>( 37_Effect : * Asian1_3 ) <BR>胡关你: “我们的行动是完全正当的。 。 。这些人是恐怖主义分子,我们正在处理的!我们如何能够作为一个国家的生存,当内部纷争是撕裂我们分开! ? <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;首先,我们照顾我们自己,那么我们将担心别人! “ <BR><BR>( 38_Effect : * Asian1_4 ) <BR>校长: “好极了,我的汗。 <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;情报表明,有四个主要的反政府武装抵抗据点。 <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;如果我们消除这些零星的叛乱部队,所有其他的持不同政见者在该国应该放弃和平。 “ <BR><BR>( 39_Effect : * Asian1_5 ) <BR>胡关别: “最优秀。 <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;以帮助您的事业,我已经安排了伟大的科学家,医生葵成完善其特异刺激信号或手术设备。 。 。一个复杂的形式,精神控制,这应该是最有效的安抚这些反叛败类。 <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;我将与您联系时,该装置已经完成。 “ <BR><BR>( 136_Effect : * Asian1_6 ) <BR>校长: “你看出去!自杀炸弹! ” <BR><BR>( 210_Effect : *葵涌成死文字) <BR>皇帝关别: “宋博士 <BR>是死了!就不可能有希望生存的UFAR国家没有他! “ <BR><BR>( 208_Effect : *hu kwan do死文字) <BR>宋博士: “国王死了!就不可能有希望生存的UFAR国家没有他! ” <BR><BR>( 12_Effect : *与此同时... ) <BR>整个湾,在宋博士的研究设施。 。 。 <BR><BR>( 209_Effect : *明死亡文字) <BR>皇帝关你: “我的校长是死了!就不可能有希望生存的UFAR国家没有他! ” <BR><BR>( 88_Effect : *目的# 1聊天) <BR>?把安全宋博士来大陆,使他可以继续他的研究。自宋博士的运输直升机被摧毁,你将找到一个替代的交通方式,为他。 <BR><BR>( 86_Effect : *开幕文字) <BR>2035年10月14号-内地新成立的UFAR国家- <BR><BR>( 1_Player名称: U.F.A.R. ) <BR>( 2_Player名称:反叛部队) <BR>( 3_Player名称:反叛部队) <BR>( 4_Player名称:反叛部队) <BR>( 5_Player名称:反叛部队) <BR>( 6_Player名称:反叛部队) <BR>( 7_Player名称:反叛部队) <BR>( 8_Player名称:电脑) <BR>( 9_Player名称:电脑) <BR>( 10_Player名称:电脑) <BR>( 11_Player名称:电脑) <BR>( 12_Player名称:电脑) <BR>( 13_Player名称:电脑) <BR>( 14_Player名称:电脑) <BR>( 15_Player名称:电脑) <BR>( 16_Player名称:电脑)</DIV><DIV dir=ltr><FONT color=#f70968>&nbsp;---- 待续-----</FONT></DIV></FONT></H2><P>[此帖子已被 scs2023 在 2009-5-16 14:03:46 编辑过]</P><p>[此帖子已被 scs2023 在 2009-5-16 14:06:34 编辑过]
真人游戏|足球篮球|时时κ彩| 六合投κ注| 网络赚钱:顶级信用κ提现百分百即时到账SO.CC
 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-17 08:22:07 | 显示全部楼层


本帖最后由 wyadell 于 2015-7-11 07:34 编辑

真人游戏|足球篮球|时时┽彩| 六合投┽注| 网络赚钱:顶级信用┽提现百分百即时到账SO.CC
<P><FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #cce8cf" color=#f70968 size=4>亚洲战役第二关</FONT></P><P><FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #cce8cf" color=#f70968 size=4>原文:</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{Version_1}</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{1_After Math}</FONT></P><P><BR><FONT size=4>{0_Hints}<BR>Food is your main negotiable commodity.&nbsp; Harvest the rice from the fields and bring it to market for trade with your nei***ors.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>When exchanging food for troops, remember that troops do not fall under your ownership until they reach one of your cities.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>Escort convoys or patrol trade routes to protect resource shipments from rebel attacks.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{3_Instructions}<BR>With the colonization of other worlds now an actuality, a worldwide race has begun to explore, colonize, and exploit the mineral riches of other planets.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>With an exploding population, UFAR realizes it cannot sustain itself with its dwindling natural resources.&nbsp; The Federation has committed huge amounts of resources to its space program, including terraforming and Faster-Than-Light (FTL) technology that can ferry resource-laden cargo ships from Mars to Earth.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>This economic burden has placed enormous strain on the quality of living conditions in Southeast Asia.&nbsp; Several opposing factions have arisen out of the disapproval of the government.&nbsp; Even some religious groups have dissented, believing that Man&#39;s place is on Earth and only on Earth.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>Acts of sabotage and terrorism hamper the space effort, and the weakened UFAR military is having trouble protecting its key research and production facilities.&nbsp; Faced with the possibility of total collapse in the Southeast Province, UFAR is running out of options to stabilize its economy and diffuse the political climate. </FONT></P><P><BR><FONT size=4>OBJECTIVES:</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>?Secure resources in the amount of 60 troops from Taiwan.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>?Secure resources in the amount of 5000 Gold and 5000 Iron from Russia.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>?Secure resources in the form of a new Technology from Japan.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>?At least one university must survive.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{2_History}<BR>By the mid 21st Century, nearly all of Southeast Asia had become embroiled in conflict. The political, economic, and military dictates of UFAR became aggressively expansionist.&nbsp; The Federation began a campaign to undermine nei***oring governments in order to absorb them through economic, political, and military means.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>UFAR&#39;s tactics worked too well.&nbsp; Throughout Southeast Asia, thousands perished in political demonstrations, food riots, and police actions.&nbsp; Many groups, from crime triads to religious sects to local warlords, tried to take advantage of the disorder and press their own agendas.&nbsp; This only aggravated an already volatile situation.&nbsp; Civil wars spread and threatened to consume the entire region.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>The Federation found they were not the only ones trying to take advantage of the situation.&nbsp; Many nations also sought a &#39;consolidation&#39; of Asian peoples, but in essence were merely practicing a new form of Colonialism.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>Russia, Japan, and Taiwan saw opportunities in the region and managed to establish several city-states.&nbsp; Meanwhile, UFAR&#39;s newly indoctrinated province, consisting of nearly half a dozen countries, was becoming completely destabilized.&nbsp; The Federation&#39;s resources were stretched to the breaking point in an attempt to bring order to the province.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>Unable to afford an armed conflict over disputed territories, UFAR signed treaties with its new nei***ors.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>And for a brief time, there was a sustained peace between nations.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{337_Effect:Instructions 01}<BR>?Create diplomats and send them to the foreign cities to negotiate.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{346_Effect:Instructions 02}<BR>?Send cargo trucks to Taiwan granaries to deliver food in exchange for troops.&nbsp; 2000 food will automatically be deducted from your food stockpile.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{347_Effect:Instructions 03}<BR>?Send Shock Troopers to the Russian fortress in exchange for iron and gold.&nbsp; 1000 iron and 1000 gold will be added to your resources for every 10 troops you send.&nbsp; Shock Troopers can be obtained from Taiwan.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{348_Effect:Instructions 04}<BR>?Send cargo trucks to the Japanese settlements to trade iron for research assistance.&nbsp; 1000 iron will automatically be deducted from your iron stockpile.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{384_Effect:Instructions 05}<BR>?Build the Faster-Than-Light Research Center.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{371_Effect:Instructions 06}<BR>?Reduce the army to 10 or less than each type of unit.&nbsp; Military units can be replaced afterwards.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{370_Effect:Instructions 07}<BR>?The Research Center must survive, Make sure to repair any damage to it, or research will be suspended.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{530_Effect:Instructions 08}<BR>?Click on the Research Center to begin research on Faster-Than-Light technology.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{564_Effect:Instructions 09}<BR>?Muster as many forces as possible, as quickly as possible, to defend the Research Center against the impending attack.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{76_Effect:MSG: 1st iron to Japan}<BR>A shipment of iron has been received.&nbsp; Four more shipments, and we will send our scientific data.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{77_Effect:MSG: 2nd iron to Japan}<BR>Another shipment of iron has been received.&nbsp; Three more shipments, and we will send our scientific data.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{562_Effect:MSG: 3 Minutes until complet}<BR>3 Minutes until research is complete.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{78_Effect:MSG: 3rd iron to Japan}<BR>Another shipment of iron has been received.&nbsp; Two more shipments, and we will send our scientific data.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{81_Effect:MSG: 4th iron to Japan}<BR>Another shipment of iron has been received.&nbsp; One final shipment, and we will send you our scientific data.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{82_Effect:MSG: 5th iron to Japan}<BR>The last shipment of iron has been received.&nbsp; Please accept this scientific data with our compliments!</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{157_Effect:MSG: Ancient ruins 1}<BR>May the gods forgive us for this transgression...at least this will provide much needed stone.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{158_Effect:MSG: Ancient ruins 2}<BR>May the gods forgive us for this transgression...at least this will provide much needed stone.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{159_Effect:MSG: Ancient ruins 3}<BR>May the gods forgive us for this transgression...at least this will provide much needed stone.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{389_Effect:MSG: Au/Fe req&#39;t was met}<BR>We have received the required amount of iron from Russia.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{385_Effect:MSG: Build Space Research}<BR>Build the Research Center to develop faster-than-light technology.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{26_Effect:MSG: Build diplomats}<BR>Build diplomats and open a dialog with our nei***ors.&nbsp; The Province will need to negotiate for gold and iron.&nbsp; Military and technological aid are also critical for stabilizing the region.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{93_Effect:MSG: Cargo truck destroyed}<BR>Our supply lines are threatened!&nbsp; One of our cargo trucks has been destroyed!</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{533_Effect:MSG: Click on FTL}<BR>Click on the Research Center to study&nbsp; Faster-Than-Light technology.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{383_Effect:MSG: Crisis averted}<BR>The military cutbacks, in tandem with the establishment of local elections, has diffused this most recent political crisis.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{560_Effect:MSG: Defeat -no cargo trucks}<BR>Without cargo trucks, or the iron to build new ones, we cannot continue to trade.&nbsp; Economic collapse is imminent!</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{305_Effect:MSG: Defeat 2}<BR>We don&#39;t have enough resources to sustain the governmental infrastructure.&nbsp; The Southeastern Province has been plunged into anarchy!</FONT></P><P><BR><FONT size=4>{561_Effect:MSG: Defend FTL}<BR>There are reports that rebel forces are massing forces to attack the Faster-Than-Light Research Center.&nbsp; Muster as many military units as possible, as quickly as possible, to defend it.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{29_Effect:MSG: Diplomats built}<BR>We are ready to open negotiations with our nei***ors.&nbsp; Send us on our way to the capitals...and wish us luck!</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{460_Effect:MSG: FTL researched}<BR>Scientists have finished researching faster-than-light travel.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{456_Effect:MSG: Harvest food}<BR>Food is our one abundant resource.&nbsp; Harvest rice from the fields and bring it to market to trade with our nei***ors.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{335_Effect:MSG: Japan forgives}<BR>Against out better judgment, the nation of Japan has decided to forgive you for your transgressions...</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{334_Effect:MSG: Japan retaliates}<BR>You have stolen resources from our territory.&nbsp; You force us to crush you now.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{326_Effect:MSG: No more troops [popcap]}<BR>We do not have any troops to spare at this time.&nbsp; Perhaps we will have some men available later.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{172_Effect:MSG: Not enough food}<BR>We don&#39;t have enough food to trade yet!</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{150_Effect:MSG: Not enough iron}<BR>We don&#39;t have enough iron to trade yet!</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{459_Effect:MSG: Protect trade}<BR>Escort convoys or patrol trade routes to protect resource shipments from rebel attacks.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{382_Effect:MSG: Reduce military}<BR>Reduce the Military to 10 or less of each type of unit. Military units can be replaced afterwards.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{532_Effect:MSG: Repair FTL}<BR>The Research Center must be undamaged in order to complete research on Faster-Than-Light technology.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{555_Effect:MSG: Research complete}<BR>...Research has been completed!</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{554_Effect:MSG: Researching...}<BR>Research will be completed shortly.&nbsp; The Research Center must survive until then.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{457_Effect:MSG: Riots}<BR>The situation is getting out of hand.&nbsp; Public demonstrations demanding more democracy are resulting in riots.&nbsp; If we don&#39;t dismantle part of our military complex and make way for democratic elections, we face anarchy and political overthrow.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>The first step is to disband some military units to demonstrate to our people that we are not a fascist military state.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{336_Effect:MSG: Russia forgives}<BR>Our nation, in her munificence, has decided to overlook your recent lapse in judgment.&nbsp; Do not let it happen again...</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{138_Effect:MSG: Russia retaliates}<BR>Your blatant violation of our sovereign mineral rights will cost you dearly!</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{156_Effect:MSG: Stone supply is low}<BR>Our stone supply is almost gone, and there are no quarries to be found.&nbsp; Perhaps there are some abandoned structures nearby that we could demolish to recycle for stone...</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{66_Effect:MSG: Trade Japan}<BR>Greetings, Ambassador.&nbsp; While your offer is most kind, I&#39;m afraid our food supply is more than adequate.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>However, we are in need of iron, the only source of which lies in the Russian territories.&nbsp; We are currently at a diplomatic impasse with the Russians, who refuse to trade with us.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>But since your nation is in a position to obtain iron from them, I think we can come to an arrangement.&nbsp; Send cargo trucks to us, and iron will be delivered from your supply.&nbsp; In exchange we will provide you with technical assistance that will aid you in research for your space program. </FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>We look forward to a prosperous partnership.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{68_Effect:MSG: Trade Russia}<BR>Welcome comrade!&nbsp; I was most pleased to hear of your offer.&nbsp; My country is interested in exchanging resources.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>We are not in need of food, however, we would be happy to trade raw materials in return for trained military personnel.&nbsp; For every ten troops you send to our fortress we will provide you with iron and gold.&nbsp; This is generous, no?</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>It is great pleasure to be doing business with you!</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{36_Effect:MSG: Trade Taiwan}<BR>I received your communiqu? thank you for coming.&nbsp; We are experiencing a serious food shortage right now, so my government has authorized me to broker a trade agreement.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>In exchange for food, we will send you troops.&nbsp; Simply dispatch a cargo truck to one of our granaries and the food will be delivered.&nbsp; Upon delivery, troops will be released from our compound and given marching orders to one of your cities.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>I think this will prove to be a mutually beneficial relationship.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{357_Effect:MSG: Troop requirement met}<BR>We have received the required amount of troops from Taiwan.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{52_Effect:MSG: Troops dispatched}<BR>Your food shipment was received.&nbsp; Troops have been dispatched and will be at your command once they arrive at one of your cities.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{406_Effect:MSG: Troops have arrived}<BR>Troops have arrived and at one of your cities and are awaiting your command.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{145_Effect:MSG: Troops received by Russ}<BR>Many thanks for the additional troops, comrade!&nbsp; We have delivered to you gold and iron in return.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{428_Effect:Rename Research center }<BR>Research Facility</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{525_Effect:Rename Rice Paddies}<BR>Rice Paddies</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{529_Effect:Rename Ruined Mechs}<BR>Destroyed Mech</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{155_Effect:Rename Towers}<BR>&nbsp;Ancient Temple</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{24_Effect:Text: Cinematic 1a}<BR>United Federation of Asian Republics, Southeast Province.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>The political landscape has become a minefield as public demand for democratization swells.&nbsp; Rebel activity is reaching unforeseen proportions.&nbsp; Crippling attacks on the industrial infrastructure are pushing the province to the brink of economic collapse.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{23_Effect:Text: Cinematic 1b}<BR>Report.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{22_Effect:Text: Cinematic 1c}<BR>Sir, there&#39;s been heavy fighting with Rebels in the North.&nbsp; While our troops were engaging them, a small Rebel group infiltrated and sabotaged the ore refinery.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>It&#39;s been completely destroyed.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{25_Effect:Text: Cinematic 1d}<BR>Damn! Without that refinery, we have no internal supply of raw materials...</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>I&#39;ll have to speak with our diplomats immediately.&nbsp; If they can&#39;t cement some trade agreements quickly, our military complex will grind to a halt.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>...And we&#39;ll be at the mercy of the Rebels.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{365_Effect:Text: Cinematic 2}<BR>People have taken up arms and are rioting in the street!&nbsp; We don&#39;t have the resources to quell more uprisings like this.&nbsp; Unless we take swift and dramatic steps to placate public opinion, this dissent threatens to erupt into wide-spread anarchy.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>We must make strides towards democratization.&nbsp; The first step is to dismantle part of our armed forces, to demonstrate to the people that we are not a military dictatorship.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{414_Effect:Text: Cinematic 3}<BR>The Province has endured some stormy times.&nbsp; But economic equilibrium is returning to the region.&nbsp; Public opinion has been placated for the most part, so the threat of overthrow is comfortably remote. Having achieved Faster-Than-Light travel, UFAR is nearly ready to embark on its expansion into space.&nbsp; The march of progress continues to meet resistance, however, and UFAR must be diligent in protecting its interests.&nbsp; The days ahead could be glorious...or prove disastrous.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{97_Effect:Text: Cinematic 4}<BR>Our research infrastructure been destroyed...UFAR has lost the race for Space!</FONT></P><P><BR><FONT size=4>{404_Effect:Text: Cinematic 5}<BR>The FTL Research Facility has been destroyed!&nbsp; We have no means to rebuild it.&nbsp; Dissent and chaos has returned to our streets.&nbsp; The Southeast province has plunged hopelessly into anarchy!</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{1_Player Name:UFAR}<BR>{2_Player Name:Russia}<BR>{3_Player Name:Japan}<BR>{4_Player Name:Taiwan}<BR>{5_Player Name:Rebel Forces}<BR>{6_Player Name:UFAR}<BR>{7_Player Name:电脑}<BR>{8_Player Name:电脑}<BR>{9_Player Name:电脑}<BR>{10_Player Name:电脑}<BR>{11_Player Name:电脑}<BR>{12_Player Name:电脑}<BR>{13_Player Name:电脑}<BR>{14_Player Name:电脑}<BR>{15_Player Name:电脑}<BR>{16_Player Name:电脑}<BR></FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>译文(机器):</FONT></P><FONT size=4><DIV id=result_box dir=ltr>( Version_1 ) <BR><BR>数学) ( 1_After <BR><BR><BR>( 0_Hints ) <BR>食品是您的主要流通的商品。水稻收获的领域并推向市场的贸易与您的邻居。 <BR><BR>当交换粮食的部队,请记住,军队不属于您的所有权,直至他们达到您的某个城市。 <BR><BR>护送车队或巡逻的贸易路线,以保护资源的出货量由叛乱分子的袭击。 <BR><BR>( 3_Instructions ) <BR>与其他世界的殖民化现在是一个现实,一个世界性的比赛已经开始探索,殖民和利用矿产财富其他行星。 <BR><BR>随着人口的爆炸, UFAR意识到它不能自我维持其日益减少的自然资源。该联合会已承诺大量的资源,其航天计划,其中包括terraforming和快于光(超光速)的技术,可以渡轮资源拉丹货船来自火星地球。 <BR><BR>这样的经济负担造成重大压力的质量,生活条件在东南亚。几个对立派别产生出不赞成政府。甚至一些宗教团体反对,认为人的地方是地球上唯一的地球上。 <BR><BR>破坏行为和恐怖主义的努力,阻碍了空间,并削弱UFAR军队是无法保护其重要的研究和生产设施。面对有可能彻底崩溃东南省UFAR正在运行的办法,以稳定其经济和弥漫的政治气候。 <BR><BR><BR><FONT color=#f70968>目的</FONT>: <BR><BR>?安全资源的数额为60人来自台湾。 <BR><BR>?安全资源的数额为5000和5000黄金铁来自俄罗斯。 <BR><BR>?安全资源的形式,一种新技术由日本。 <BR><BR>?至少有一个大学必须生存。 <BR><BR>( 2_History ) <BR>到世纪中叶,几乎所有的东南亚已成为卷入冲突。政治,经济,军事支配UFAR成为积极扩张。该联合会开始了一场运动,破坏邻国的政府,以便吸收,并通过经济,政治和军事手段。 <BR><BR>UFAR的战术非常清楚地工作。东南亚各地,数千名丧生的政治示威,粮食骚乱,警察的行动。许多团体,黑社会犯罪,以宗教派别为地方军阀,试图利用障碍,并按下自己的议程。这不仅加剧了本已动荡不安的局势。内战蔓延,并威胁到整个地区的消费。 <BR><BR>该联合会发现他们并不是唯一试图利用这一局势。许多国家也要求&#39;合并&#39;的亚洲人民,而且在本质上仅仅是实践的一种新形式的殖民主义。 <BR><BR>俄罗斯,日本,台湾看到机会在该地区,并成功地建立若干城邦。与此同时, UFAR新灌输省,其中包括近50个国家,已成为完全破坏。该联合会的资源,到了崩溃的边缘,企图使以省。 <BR><BR>买不起武装冲突对有争议的领土, UFAR签署条约的新邻居。 <BR><BR>和一个短的时间内,有一个国家之间的持久和平。 <BR><FONT color=#f70968>游戏里的剧情,对话:</FONT><BR>( 337_Effect :说明01 ) <BR>?创建外交官和发送给外国城市进行谈判。 <BR><BR>( 346_Effect :说明02 ) <BR>?发送货运卡车粮仓向台湾运送粮食,以换取士兵。 2000年粮食将被自动扣除您的粮食储备。 <BR><BR>( 347_Effect :说明03 ) <BR>?发送休克战队俄罗斯堡垒,以换取铁和黄金。 1000年铁, 1000年黄金将添加到您的资源,每10人您传送。休克战将可从台湾。 <BR><BR>( 348_Effect :说明04 ) <BR>?发送货运卡车向日本定居点贸易铁的研究援助。 1000年铁将自动扣除您的铁储存。 <BR><BR>( 384_Effect :说明05 ) <BR>?建设快于光研究中心。 <BR><BR>( 371_Effect :说明06 ) <BR>?减少军队10或小于每一类单位。军事单位后,可代替。 <BR><BR>( 370_Effect :说明07 ) <BR>?研究中心必须生存,一定要修复任何损害,或研究将暂停使用。 <BR><BR>( 530_Effect :说明08 ) <BR>?点击研究中心,开始研究快于光技术。 <BR><BR>( 564_Effect :说明09 ) <BR>?穆斯特尔许多部队可能,尽快,捍卫研究中心对即将到来的攻击。 <BR><BR>( 76_Effect :味精:第一铁日本) <BR>一批铁已收到。四年多的出货量,我们将派出我们的科学数据。 <BR><BR>( 77_Effect :味精:第二铁日本) <BR>另一批铁已收到。三年多的出货量,我们将派出我们的科学数据。 <BR><BR>( 562_Effect :味精: 3分钟,直到完整) <BR>3分钟,直到研究已经完成。 <BR><BR>( 78_Effect :味精:第三铁日本) <BR>另一批铁已收到。两个以上的出货量,我们将派出我们的科学数据。 <BR><BR>( 81_Effect :味精:第四铁日本) <BR>另一批铁已收到。最后一个装运,我们将向您发送我们的科学数据。 <BR><BR>( 82_Effect :味精:第五铁日本) <BR>最后一次运输的铁已收到。请接受这个科学数据与我们的赞美! <BR><BR>( 157_Effect :味精:古代遗址1 ) <BR>5月神原谅我们这个侵...至少这将提供急需的石头。 <BR><BR>( 158_Effect :味精:古代遗址2 ) <BR>5月神原谅我们这个侵...至少这将提供急需的石头。 <BR><BR>( 159_Effect :味精:古代遗址3 ) <BR>5月神原谅我们这个侵...至少这将提供急需的石头。 <BR><BR>( 389_Effect :味精:金/铁req&#39;t遭到) <BR>我们已经收到了所需的铁来自俄罗斯。 <BR><BR>( 385_Effect :味精:建立空间研究) <BR>建立研究中心,发展快于轻型技术。 <BR><BR>( 26_Effect :味精:建立外交官) <BR>建立外交官和开放的对话与我们的邻居。该省需要谈判,黄金和铁。军事和技术援助也是至关重要的地区的稳定。 <BR><BR>( 93_Effect :味精:货运卡车被毁) <BR>我们的补给线受到威胁!我们的货运卡车已被摧毁! <BR><BR>( 533_Effect :味精:点击超光速) <BR>点击研究中心研究快于光技术。 <BR><BR>( 383_Effect :味精:危机避免) <BR>军事削减的同时,建立地方选举中,已扩散最近的政治危机。 <BR><BR>( 560_Effect :味精:失败,没有货运卡车) <BR>如果货运卡车,或铁兴建新的定居点,我们无法继续经营。经济崩溃是迫在眉睫! <BR><BR>( 305_Effect :味精:失败2 ) <BR>我们没有足够的资源,以维持政府的基础设施。东南部已陷入无政府状态! <BR><BR><BR>( 561_Effect :味精:保卫超光速) <BR>有报道说,反政府武装正在集结部队,攻击快于光研究中心。穆斯特尔许多军事单位尽可能尽快,来保护它。 <BR><BR>( 29_Effect :味精:外交官内置) <BR>我们准备开放与我们的邻国进行谈判。发送给我们展示了我们的首都...并祝愿我们好运! <BR><BR>( 460_Effect :味精:超光速研究) <BR>科学家们已经研制完成快于轻旅行。 <BR><BR>( 456_Effect :味精:收获的粮食) <BR>粮食是我们的一个丰富的资源。收割水稻的领域并推向市场,以贸易与我们的邻居。 <BR><BR>( 335_Effect :味精:日本宽恕) <BR>对了更好的判断,国家的日本已决定原谅你的越轨... <BR><BR>( 334_Effect :味精:日本报复) <BR>您已经被盗资源从我们的领土。你迫使我们压垮你现在。 <BR><BR>( 326_Effect :讯息:没有更多的部队[ popcap ] ) <BR>我们没有任何多余的部队在这个时候。也许我们会有一些男子晚些时候推出。 <BR><BR>( 172_Effect :讯息:没有足够的粮食, ) <BR>我们没有足够的粮食贸易没有! <BR><BR>( 150_Effect :讯息:没有足够的铁) <BR>我们没有足够的铁贸易尚未! <BR><BR>( 459_Effect :味精:保护贸易) <BR>护送车队或巡逻的贸易路线,以保护资源的出货量由叛乱分子的袭击。 <BR><BR>( 382_Effect :讯息:减少军事) <BR>减少军事到10或更少的每一类单位。军事单位后,可代替。 <BR><BR>( 532_Effect :味精:修复超光速) <BR>该研究中心必须是完好无损,为了完成研究快于光技术。 <BR><BR>( 555_Effect :味精:研究完成) <BR>...研究已经完成! <BR><BR>( 554_Effect :味精:研究... ) <BR>研究将在短期内完成。该研究中心必须生存到那时。 <BR><BR>( 457_Effect :味精:骚乱) <BR>这种情况失控。公众示威游行,要求更多的民主是导致骚乱。如果我们不拆除的一部分,我们的军事复杂,使民主选举的方式,我们面临的无政府状态和政治推翻。 <BR><BR>第一步是解散一些军事单位,以表明我们的人民,我们是不是法西斯军事状态。 <BR><BR>( 336_Effect :消息:俄罗斯原谅) <BR>我们的国家来说,在她的丰富,已决定忽视您最近的失误判断。不要让它再次发生... <BR><BR>( 138_Effect :消息:俄罗斯报复) <BR>您的公然侵犯我国主权矿产权将耗资你珍惜! <BR><BR>( 156_Effect :味精:石材供应低) <BR>我国石材供应几乎是走了,没有采石场被发现。也许有一些被遗弃的建筑物附近,我们可以拆卸回收的石头... <BR><BR>( 66_Effect :味精:贸易日本) <BR>问候大使。虽然您提供最友好的,我怕我们的粮食供应是足够有余。 <BR><BR>然而,我们需要的铁,唯一的来源在于俄罗斯领土。我们目前正处于外交僵局的俄罗斯人,谁拒绝贸易与我们联系。 <BR><BR>但是,由于您的国家的立场是获得铁人,我想我们可以来安排。发送货物的卡车,我们和铁将完成从您的供应。作为交换,我们将为您提供技术援助,帮助您为您的空间研究计划。 <BR><BR>我们期待着一个繁荣的伙伴关系。 <BR><BR>( 68_Effect :味精:贸易俄罗斯) <BR>欢迎同志!我最高兴听到您的建议。我国是交换资源。 <BR><BR>我们并不需要粮食,但是,我们将很高兴为贸易原材料,以换取培训军事人员。每十个部队您发送给我们的山城我们将为您提供铁和黄金。这是慷慨的,不是吗? <BR><BR>这是很高兴能够与你做生意! <BR><BR>( 36_Effect :味精:贸易台湾) <BR>我收到您的公报?谢谢光临。我们正经历着严重的粮食短缺,现在如此,我国政府已授权我经纪人的贸易协定。 <BR><BR>为了换取粮食,我们将向您发送的部队。只是派遣一个货运卡车到我们的粮仓和食品将交付。交货时,部队将释放出我们的大院,并行军命令,您的一个城市。 <BR><BR>我认为,这将被证明是一种互利关系。 <BR><BR>( 357_Effect :味精:部队要求会见) <BR>我们已经收到了所需的部队来自台湾。 <BR><BR>( 52_Effect :味精:部队派出) <BR>你的食物装运收到。部队已经派出,将在您的命令后,他们到达的城市之一。 <BR><BR>( 406_Effect :味精:部队已经抵达) <BR>部队已经抵达并在您的一个城市,正等待您的命令。 <BR><BR>( 145_Effect :味精:部队收到拉斯) <BR>许多感谢,更多的部队,同志!我们已经交付给你黄金和铁的回报。 <BR><BR>( 428_Effect :重命名研究中心) <BR>研究设施 <BR><BR>( 525_Effect :重命名稻田) <BR>稻田 <BR><BR>( 529_Effect :重命名废墟机甲) <BR>销毁机械 <BR><BR>( 155_Effect :重命名塔) <BR>&nbsp;古庙 <BR><BR>( 24_Effect :文字:电影第1a ) <BR>美国联邦的中亚共和国,东南亚省。 <BR><BR>政治面貌已经成为一个雷区的公共需求的民主化肿。叛乱分子的活动是不可预见的比例达到。严重的攻击的工业基础设施,是推动该省的边缘经济崩溃。 <BR><BR>( 23_Effect :文字:电影1B款) <BR>报告。 <BR><BR>( 22_Effect :文字:电影1C号) <BR>主席先生,有过激烈的战斗与叛乱分子在北方。虽然我们的军队参与其中的一小叛乱集团渗透和破坏矿炼油厂。 <BR><BR>它被完全摧毁。 <BR><BR>( 25_Effect :文字:电影1 ) <BR>谴责!如果没有这样的炼油厂,我们没有任何内部的原料供应... <BR><BR>我要发言立即与我们的外交官。如果他们不能水泥一些贸易协定迅速,我军复杂将慢慢停止。 <BR><BR>...我们会的摆布叛军。 <BR><BR>( 365_Effect :文字:电影2 ) <BR>人民拿起武器,并在街头骚乱!我们没有更多的资源,以平息起义这样。除非我们采取迅速和戏剧性的步骤,以安抚舆论,这一持不同政见者可能爆发到广泛的无政府状态。 <BR><BR>我们必须迈向民主化。第一步是拆除部分我军,证明的人,我们不是一个军事独裁政权。 <BR><BR>( 414_Effect :文字:电影3 ) <BR>省经历了一些风风雨雨。但是,经济平衡是返回该地区。舆论一直在抚慰的大部分,因此,威胁推翻是舒适遥远。实现了快于轻旅行, UFAR几乎是准备开始其扩展到太空。 3月的进展继续满足阻力,但是,和UFAR必须勤于在保护其利益。今后的日子里可以光荣...或证明是灾难性的。 <BR><BR>( 97_Effect :文字:电影4 ) <BR>我们的研究基础设施被摧毁... UFAR已经失去了比赛的空间! <BR><BR><BR>( 404_Effect :文字:电影5 ) <BR>的超光速研究设施已被摧毁!我们没有任何手段来重建它。持不同政见者和混乱已经回到我们的街道。东南省陷入绝望陷入无政府状态! <BR><BR>( 1_Player名称: UFAR ) <BR>( 2_Player名称:俄罗斯) <BR>( 3_Player名称:日本) <BR>( 4_Player名称:台湾) <BR>( 5_Player名称:反叛部队) <BR>( 6_Player名称: UFAR ) <BR>( 7_Player名称:电脑) <BR>( 8_Player名称:电脑) <BR>( 9_Player名称:电脑) <BR>( 10_Player名称:电脑) <BR>( 11_Player名称:电脑) <BR>( 12_Player名称:电脑) <BR>( 13_Player名称:电脑) <BR>( 14_Player名称:电脑) <BR>( 15_Player名称:电脑) <BR>( 16_Player名称:电脑)</DIV></FONT>
真人游戏|足球篮球|时时┽彩| 六合投┽注| 网络赚钱:顶级信用┽提现百分百即时到账SO.CC
 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-17 08:44:03 | 显示全部楼层


本帖最后由 wyadell 于 2015-7-11 07:34 编辑

真人游戏|足球篮球|时时ⅷ彩| 六合投ⅷ注| 网络赚钱:顶级信用ⅷ提现百分百即时到账SO.CC
<><FONT face=Tahoma color=#ff0066 size=4>亚洲战役三</FONT></P><><FONT face=Tahoma color=#ff0066 size=4>原文:</FONT></P><><FONT size=4>{Version_1}</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{1_After Math}<BR>UN War Crimes Investigative Report on Dr. Calvin Jennings Webster (deceased) , Founder and Minister of the Eye of God Church</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>March - September 2055 -- Tangeshima Conflict</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The following excerpt is taken from the personal notebooks of Dr. Calvin Jennings Webster, found on his body shortly after he and a number of the Eye of God followers committed mass suicide at the close of the Tangeshima Conflict.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; While it can be disputed that Dr. Webster was a brilliant, charismatic leader, it could also be argued that near the end of his life he had become emotionally unstable and mentally unhinged. No part of the manuscript has been altered from the original.</FONT></P><P><BR><FONT size=4>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "On the 12th of this January, in the year of our Lord, 2055, the United Nations saw fit to welcome into its fold the son of the devil. Even more than before I am convinced these are indeed the last days . . .<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; I will not go into a history lesson here, as the circumstances which gave birth to the UFAR are well documented else where. But I will say this -- and I pray with all my heart, that this information will be recorded in the history texts which will be written after the events which are about to take place. We, that is the army of The Eye of God, and I its leader; believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that the family that heads this so called new nation of UFAR, has throughout recorded history been in league with the unholy one -- and now, in this day and age, are beggining to reap the rewards of the evil crops they have sown. The agenda that this family, this spawn of the devil, have been pursuing is no less then total world domination for their unholy master. <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; We will not let this come to pass.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The Lord has seen fit to bless myself and the Army of the Eye of God with the power to put an end to this -- in holy fire and flame. Through recent negotiations with the Ukrainian-Khasakstan Union, I have arranged for the purchase of a number of atomic and bio-chemical weapons.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Now there will be those who decry what we are about do as insanity,&nbsp; . . . as madness,&nbsp; . . . . as acts that are wholly unthinkable; that the cost of what we are about to undertake cannot possibly justify the destruction and loss of life that will no doubt occur.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; To them I say this: Look you to the word of God, for in His words you shall truth and salvation.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; I have attempted to communicate the feelings and wishes of our movement through normal channels and we have found ourselves, rebuffed, ignored and dismissed. No more.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; This then, is our only recourse.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Suffice it to say that numerous warnings have been handed down to us throughout history in the pages of the good book. And this family of the anti-christ has been hidden from us through veils and false curtains of information, yet now have been revealed. And now it is they who will suffer eternal damnation for the crimes they have committed.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Do not believe that we as a species will find respite and new life on foriegn soil on a new planet . . . nay, this world is the only prize that the Lord has seen fit to grant us. <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; We have no need of others. We do not deserve them.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; It is not right that we journey to other worlds, to spread the sickness and demonic tendencies of man -- war, famine, disease and pestilence -- not until we have purged these evils from our own world, will we be truly ready to branch out to others.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The Kwan Do Corporation, this family that is the real government of the United Federation of Asian Republics, the real villians in this upcoming war . . . has seen fit to ally itself with the Japanese, so that they may use their Space Port at Tangeshima, and thus launch a colony of their demon-spawn out into space.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; We cannot sit idly by and permit this to take place.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Our actions will be justified in retrospect, in later history; and our names will be praised by those who will come after, those future generations whom we are about to save. There will come a day when it will be said that it was the Eye of God that looked and saw the evil that was UFAR, and plucked that wicked plank from its eye and dashed it onto the hard stones of the earth.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Of that I have no doubt.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Amen."<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Dr. Calvin Jennings Webster, <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Feburary, 2055</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>From our standpoint in history, this reads like the ramblings of a madman.<BR>But one has to wonder . . . what kind of a world would we be living in, if the Eye of God truly had succeeded?</FONT></P><P><BR><FONT size=4>{0_Hints}<BR>?Quickly establish a military presence in the area that has been given to you by the Japanese.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>?Be wary of ambush air raid and sneak attacks.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>?The Eye of God is not the only enemy you have to face. The Ukrainian-Kazahkstan Union has joined forces with Dr. Websters Army and they have hired two other Mercenary Groups to aid them as well.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>?When instructed to rebuild the Space Port, you must build it in the area that was previously occupied by the Tangeshima Space Center.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{3_Instructions}<BR>UFAR Webcast -- March 2055</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>Having secured financial and economic stability on the UFAR mainland, the Kwan Do dynasty now turns its attention to the newly revived Space Race, and makes a bid to be the first nation in history to establish a colony on another world. It will not be easy however, as pockets of rebel and fanatical troops have destroyed the two UFAR space centers that had been conducting research and development on the UFAR Space Program.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>Turning to its nei***or, Japan, for help, the UFAR government has agreed to help with that countries own Space Exploration program in a joint effort to reach Mars before the Western nations can. Unfortunately, the radical groups that are opposed to the Kwan Do dynasty have now turned against the Japanese and are attacking them as well, straining the relationship between these two powerhouse nations of the East.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>If the situation cannot be corrected soon, then the UFAR government could find itself involved in a war on three fronts and the hope of establishing a Martian colony will be nothing more than a dream.</FONT></P><P><BR><FONT size=4>OBJECTIVES --</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>?Establish a military outpost and defend it against terrorist attacks.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>?Aid the Japanese by rebuilding the Tangeshima Space Complex.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>?Launch a manned Colony Ship. </FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>?Hu Kwan Do must survive.</FONT></P><P><BR><FONT size=4>{2_History}<BR>History of the United Federation of Asian Republics -- Chapter 3</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>March 10 - September 22nd, 2055</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>The Tangeshima Conflict</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; After establishing itself as a legitamate government and quelling numerous rebel uprisings, UFAR and its rulers, the Kwan Do Corporation, found itself in a position to join the Space Race. <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The International Race to launch colony founding expeditions to Mars were being challenged on several fronts by scientific groups, enviromental parties and religious interests, all claiming that the resources needed to fund such expeditions would be better spent on improving the living conditions on Earth, rather than building new colonies on Mars. <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Warnings were issued through the press and news media stating that planned space missions could suffer terrorist attacks. Numerous countries and their governments, including Russia, the United States, Great Britain and Japan chose not to be intimidated by these threats and forged ahead with their planned Mars exploration missions. <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Despite the repeated warnings that such efforts would become targets of fanatical and terrorist groups, the United States launched its first manned mission to Mars in April of 2049. <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Ten minutes after lift off the Shuttle exploded in the atmosphere killing all on board.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Several extremist groups claimed responsibilty for the tragedy, but the loudest proclimation came from one Dr. Calvin Jennings Webster, head of the right-wing Eye of God organization, a religious fundementalist movement which claimed that Earth -- and Earth alone -- was the only true testing ground for God&#39;s people. Three more attempted launch missions by other nations, one in Russia and two in the newly establish UFAR territories, all suffered accidents or problems that forced them to abort their countdowns. <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Hence the economic riches that might be gained on Mars have yet to be claimed.&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The original Chinese Space Complex -- the Juiquan Launch Center, located near the end of the Great Wall in China&#39;s Gansu province, was seriously damaged in several rebel and terrorist attacks. Because of these increased attacks, the UFAR government turned to its nei***ors for aid in order to advance their plans to be the first human nation to establish an off-world colony.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; In a joint secret operation the UFAR and Japanese governments have come together to build and launch an attempt of their own. </FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{252_Effect:! Re-Name Dr. Webster}<BR>Dr. Webster</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{251_Effect:! Re-Name General Rykov}<BR>General Rykov</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{190_Effect Alert Message}<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; We should stick close to base, my Khan.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Radio and Satellite reports indicate heavy troop movement in the area. Base defense should be our top priority.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{196_Effect Bator Message}<BR>"Great Khan! Behold the magnificent Khara Bator!<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; This giant Cyber Unit will aid us in destroying the Eye of God and U-K Defenses!<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; All Hail -- Khara Bator!"</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{159_Effect Bator Research VO}<BR>Scientist: "My Khan! I bring great news! Researchers have stumbled upon a design matrix for a new Cyber Unit!<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; This new unit is a solitary one however, as the materials needed for it will provide for but a single version of its design.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; You may research this Unit at the Cyber Factory."</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{146_Effect:$ Japanese Plea #1}<BR>PM Hikaido: "Hu Kwan Do ! You must send us aid! The rebel forces under the command of Dr. Webster have seized the port town of Sata.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; It is imperitive that we regain control of this vital sea port. It is the only one available to create the supply ships needed to ferry new units and supplies to the island of Tangeshima so that we may begin reconstructing our valuble Space Center."</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{211_Effect:$ Japanese Plea #2}<BR>PM Hikaido: "You must hurry, Hu Kwan Do ! Every moment that Sata lies in enemy hands is a moment we lose precious time!&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; If you do not rescue Sata soon, there will be no chance to rebuild the Space Center in time to beat the Americans or Europeans into space!" </FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{212_Effect:$ Japanese Plea #3}<BR>PM Hikaido: "Hu Kwan Do!<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Why do you not aid our lost city? You are cruel and heartless! <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Help me to regain my lost city or there will be dire consequences to face! I swear it!!" </FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{220_Effect:$ Khara Bator Task Speech}<BR>Khara Bator: "My Khan -- sensors indicate a massive enemy presence here in Japan.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; It would be best if we made a sweep of the remaining Japanese cities to root out the enemy forces before moving to Tangeshima to rebuild the Space Center.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Build an attack force and I will accopmany them on the Seek &amp; Destroy mission."</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{187_Effect:$ Radar Warning}<BR>Warning! Radar Indicates Incoming Enemy Forces -- expect a combined assault from land and air units.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{205_Effect:$ Space Port Speech #2}<BR>Hu Kwan Do : "Well Done!<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; We have managed to land troops on the island. We must proceed quickly with our plans: the reconstruction of the Space Port at Tangeshima. As a result we are now able to build the necessary buildings to aid in this task: the Missile Base, and an FTL Research Center.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Remember, in addition to the 2 missile bases and the FTL Research Center, the new Space Port should also consist of a Temple and a University. Secure the area by destroying any enemy forces on the island.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; We must be ready for anything; Dr. Webster and his army are not above using unconventional weapons."</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{223_Effect:$ Victory Text}<BR>And with a magnificent roar of fuel and flame, the Huge Colony Ship lifts off from the newly constructed Space Port -- and streaks through the atmosphere on its way to Mars.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; What destiny awaits the new colonists and what challenges will they face ... ?<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Only time wil tell ....</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{191_Effect:% Base Completed Message}<BR>Hu Kwan Do : "Excellent!<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; We have completed the construction of our Military Complex, and are now ready to confront this Dr. Webster and his fanatical troops."</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{259_Effect:% Citizen Upgrade}<BR>Well done. We have a new Research Center. Use it to upgrade our citizens and increase our production.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{178_Effect:% New Space Port Speech}<BR>Hu Kwan Do : "Excellent. We have helped our Japanese nei***ors reclaim their port city of Sata. Now let us proceed with the next phase of our glorious mission: the reconstruction of the Space Port at Tangeshima.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Construction of the new Space Port should consist of a Temple, a University, two Missile Bases and a FTL Research Center. We must hurry, as the U-K and Eye of God forces will no doubt try to prevent this from happening. <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; We must expect heavy resistence."</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{121_Effect:% Objective #1}<BR>?Build a Military Complex to deal with the Terrorists. The Complex should consist of at least two of each of the following: Barracks, Seige Factory, Tank Factory and Airport.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{229_Effect:% Objective #1_Message}<BR>Hu Kwan Do : "Though the Japanese have granted us a parcel of land for a temporary base, they are quite upset that our enemies have attacked their cities and destroyed their Space Center."</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{230_Effect:% Objective #1_Message_1}<BR>Hu Kwan Do : "We must establish our presence here quickly. Though angry with us, the Japanese require our military support to help beat back the U-K and Eye of God forces and have therefore granted us this small area for the construction of our base. <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Construct two of each of our military producing buildings so that we may defend ourselves and lend aid to our Japanese ally."</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{143_Effect:% Objective #2}<BR>?Collect 3000 Iron, 3000 Gold, 3000 Food and 3000 Wood in order to build a University.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{141_Effect:% Objective #2_Chat}<BR>Hu Kwan Do : "We need to improve our economy, or these damn rebels will overwhelm us. Gather at least 3000 units of Iron, Gold, Wood and Food. With this we will be able to construct a University.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Once the University is built, we can then research our new Cybernetic Citizen Upgrade, will increase our resource production!" </FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{122_Effect:% Objective #3}<BR>?Collect 20000 Iron, 20000 Gold and 20000 Wood to aid in the construction of a new Space Center.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{192_Effect:% Objective #4}<BR>?With the base complete, this should cut down on the amount of harassment we have been receiving. Train a Combined Force to seek out and deal with the U-K and Eye of God Fanatic forces.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{221_Effect:% Objective #5}<BR>?Train a mixed force of troops to accompany Khara Bator on a sweep to clear Japan of any and all enemy troops.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{263_Effect:% Objective #6}<BR>?Aid our allies by reclaiming the port town of Sata. Postion troops in the city to rescue it. </FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{264_Effect:% Objective #7}<BR>?Clear the island of Tangeshima of enemy forces so that you can construct the new Space Port.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{256_Effect:% Space Port Objective}<BR>?Construct a new Space Center at Tangeshima consisting of two Missile Bases, a Temple, and an FTL Research Center.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{20_Effect:* Kuon Do VO #1}</FONT></P><P><BR><FONT size=4>From the personal journal of Hu Kwan Do&nbsp; --</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>It is said, that each family has its own difficult saga to tell . . . And that each man in his life, has many dragons to face . . .</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{21_Effect:* Kuon Do VO #2}<BR>My family, the Kwan Do Dynasty -- ruling House of the United Federation of Asian Republics . . . has certainly had many difficulties to contend with, . . . And many dragons to battle these last twenty years . . . </FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{22_Effect:* Kuon Do VO #3}<BR>For two decades we have fought and struggled, and just when we thought the dragon facing us had been slain, a dozen more arise to challenge and threaten us . . .</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{30_Effect:* Kuon Do VO #4}<BR>But just as the swords of my ancestors were able to lay low the dragons of the past -- I too must face and destroy the beast to restore order and peace to our people and our nation . . .</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{31_Effect:* Kuon Do VO #5}<BR>Yet once again, my family -- and our nei***oring nations . . .<BR>all of us on the brink of setting out to explore a new and exciting frontier . . . </FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{29_Effect:* Kuon Do VO #6}<BR>Once more we find ourselves set upon by dragons . . . in this foreign land, beneath this starless ebony sky . . .<BR>we are once more beset by noisome and foul tempered beasts . . . winged dragons in the air and steel beasts upon the ground . . .</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{48_Effect:* Kuon Do VO #7}<BR>This is the final time . . . this do I swear . . . this dragon will be the last . . .</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{224_Effect:* Location #1 Marker}<BR>The Tangeshima Space Center, 115 km south of Kyushu -- March 10th, 2055 -- 2100hrs</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{158_Effect:Re-Name &lt;Command Unit*&gt;}<BR>&nbsp;Khara Bator</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{1_Effect:Re-Name Japanese Capitol}<BR>&nbsp;Miyazaki</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{179_Effect:Re-Name Japanese Town #1}<BR>&nbsp;Sata</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{180_Effect:Re-Name Japanese Town #2}<BR>&nbsp;Kagoshima</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{173_Effect:Re-Name Space Transport}<BR>&nbsp;Y-3X Colony Transport</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{51_Effect:Re-Name Travis}<BR>&nbsp;Prime Minister Hikaido</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{168_Effect:Re-name Japanese Town #3}<BR>Kobayashi</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{139_Effect:Technology Upgrade #1}<BR>** New Technology Available -- University.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{77_Effect:U-K Speech #1}<BR>General Rykov: "Well, Dr. Webster? Do you not think that this assault was a success? The Space Port at Tangeshima is no more!"</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{90_Effect:U-K Speech #2}<BR>General Rykov: "Can we not leave this religious dogma of yours out of the war, Dr. Webster? <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; We must discuss the next phase of the attack . . . the Japanese will surely retaliate!"</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>{1_Player Name:U.F.A.R.}<BR>{2_Player Name:The Eye of God}<BR>{3_Player Name:Rebel Forces}<BR>{4_Player Name:Novaya Russia}<BR>{5_Player Name:Rebel Forces}<BR>{6_Player Name:Japan 21st Century}<BR>{7_Player Name:电脑}<BR>{8_Player Name:电脑}<BR>{9_Player Name:电脑}<BR>{10_Player Name:电脑}<BR>{11_Player Name:电脑}<BR>{12_Player Name:电脑}<BR>{13_Player Name:电脑}<BR>{14_Player Name:电脑}<BR>{15_Player Name:电脑}<BR>{16_Player Name:电脑}</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4><FONT color=#f70938>译文:</FONT></FONT><FONT size=4><BR>&nbsp;Version_1 ) <BR><BR>数学) ( 1_After <BR>联合国战争罪行调查报告卡尔文詹宁斯韦伯斯特博士(已故) ,方正和部长眼中的上帝教会 <BR><BR>3至9月2055 - Tangeshima冲突 <BR><BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;以下摘录取自1998年的个人笔记本电脑博士卡尔文詹宁斯韦伯斯特,他的尸体上发现后不久,他和一些眼中的上帝的信徒集体自杀结束时Tangeshima冲突。 <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;虽然有争议,可博士韦伯斯特是一个才华横溢,魅力的领袖,它也可能认为,快结束时,他的生活,他已成为情绪不稳定和精神不稳定。任何部分书稿已被更改从原来的。 <BR><BR><BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; “在今年1月12日,在今年我们的主, 2055年,联合国认为合适,欢迎到其折叠的儿子魔鬼。比以前更我相信这些确实是最后一天。 。 。 <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;我不打算在这里的历史教训,为的情况,诞生了UFAR都被很好地记载别的地方。但我要说这一点-和我祈祷所有我的心,这一信息将被记录在历史教科书将书面事件后即将举行。我们,这是军队的上帝之眼,我及其领导人;相信以后毫无疑问,家庭元首这个所谓的新国家UFAR ,在整个记录的历史上一直在与邪恶的联盟之一-现在,在这个时代,已经开始获得回报的邪恶作物他们已经播下。议程,这家庭,这引起了魔鬼,一直在奉行不低于总统治世界的邪恶的主人。 <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;我们不会让这成为现实。 <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;上帝认为可以保佑自己和军队的上帝之眼的权力,制止这种-在神圣的火和火焰。通过最近的谈判,乌克兰Khasakstan联盟,我已安排用于购买一些原子和生化武器。 <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;现在将是谁谴责我们所尽的精神错乱。 。 。作为疯狂。 。 。 。作为行为,是完全不可想象的;的费用,我们所进行不可能的理由破坏和生命损失的,将毫无疑问发生。 <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;为了他们,我这样说:看你的话,上帝为他的话你应真理和救赎。 <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;我试图传达的感情和愿望,我们的运动,并通过正常渠道,我们发现自己,拒绝,忽视和否认。不复存在。 <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;这就是我们唯一的办法。 <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;我只想说,多次警告已经给我们整个历史过程中的页面的好书。和这个家庭的反基督已被隐藏我们通过窗帘面纱和虚假的信息,但现在已被揭露出来。现在是谁,他们将遭受永恒诅咒为他们犯下的罪行。 <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;不相信,我们作为一个物种将找到喘息和新的生活在外国的土地上就新的行星。 。 。不,这个世界上是唯一获奖的主认为可以给予我们。 <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;我们不需要别人。我们不应该得到它们。 <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;这是不正确的,我们的旅程到其他世界,传播疾病和倾向的人恶魔-战争,饥荒,疾病和瘟疫-直到我们必须清除这些罪恶从我们自己的世界,我们才能真正准备分行给他人。 <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;关你的公司,这个家庭这是真正的美国政府联邦的中亚共和国,真正villians在这个即将到来的战争。 。 。认为可以结盟的日本,使他们可以利用他们的空间港Tangeshima ,从而启动一个殖民地的恶魔菌种进入太空。 <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;我们不能坐视不管,并允许这种情况的发生。 <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;我们的行动将是合理的,回想起来,在以后的历史,和我们的名字将赞扬那些谁会后,这些人的后代,我们将要保存。有一天何时会说,这是上帝,眼望着,看到的邪恶是UFAR ,并救起的邪恶木板从眼睛和破灭它放到硬石头地球。 <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;这我毫不怀疑。 <BR><BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;阿门。 “ <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;韦伯斯特博士卡尔文詹宁斯, <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;二月, 2055 <BR><BR>从我们的观点在历史上,这是这样的随笔一个疯子。 <BR>但是,人们不得不怀疑。 。 。什么样的世界,我们将生活在,如果真正的上帝之眼已经成功? <BR><BR><BR>( 0_Hints ) <BR>?快速建立军事驻留在该地区已经考虑到你的日语。 <BR><BR>?警惕伏击空袭和偷袭。 <BR><BR>?上帝之眼并不是唯一的敌人你必须面对的。乌克兰,哈萨克斯坦联盟联手博士韦氏军队和他们已经聘请了两名其他雇佣军团体,以帮助他们。 <BR><BR>?当指示重建空间端口,您必须建立它在该地区以前占领的Tangeshima航天中心。 <BR><BR>( 3_Instructions ) <BR>UFAR直播- 2055年3月 <BR><BR>有担保的金融和经济稳定的UFAR内地,关你王朝现在把注意力新近恢复太空竞赛,并提出了争取成为第一个民族在历史上建立一个殖民地的另一个世界。这将是不容易的,但因为口袋的叛乱分子和狂热的军队摧毁了两个UFAR空间中心,一直在进行研究和开发的UFAR太空计划。 <BR><BR>至于它的邻居,日本,为的帮助下, UFAR政府已同意,以帮助各国自己的空间探测计划的共同努力,到达火星之前,西方国家可以。不幸的是,激进团体的反对关不要王朝现在已经转向对日本和正在攻击他们也紧张的关系这两个强国联合国东。 <BR><BR>如果这种情况不能很快得到纠正,那么UFAR政府可以发现自己卷入了战争在三个方面,并希望建立一个火星殖民地将只不过是一个梦想。 <BR><BR><BR>目标- <BR><BR>?建立军事哨所和保卫它不受恐怖主义袭击。 <BR><BR>?援助,日本的重建Tangeshima空间复杂。 <BR><BR>?发射载人殖民地船舶。 <BR><BR>?胡关都必须生存。 <BR><BR><BR>( 2_History ) <BR>联合国历史上联邦的中亚共和国-第3章 <BR><BR>3月10号至9月22号, 2055 <BR><BR>冲突的Tangeshima <BR><BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;在确立了自己作为一个合法的政府和反政府武装暴动平息了许多, UFAR及其统治者,关你的公司,发现自己有能力加入太空竞赛。 <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;国际大赛推出殖民地成立远征火星被质疑的几条战线上的科研群体,环境和宗教各方的利益,所有声称所需要的资源,例如探险基金将更好地用在改善生活条件在地球上,而不是建立新的殖民地在火星上。 <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;发出警告通过报刊和新闻媒体说,计划中的空间飞行任务可能遭受恐怖袭击。许多国家和他们的政府,包括俄罗斯,美国,英国和日本选择了不被这些威胁所吓倒,并开拓其计划火星探测任务。 <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;尽管一再警告,这种努力的目标将成为狂热和恐怖集团,美国发射了第一艘载人火星的2049年4月。 <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 10分钟后的航天飞机升空爆炸,造成大气中的所有问题。 <BR><BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;一些极端组织声称负有责任的悲剧,但叫得最响的一个proclimation来自卡尔文詹宁斯韦伯斯特博士负责右翼神眼组织,宗教fundementalist运动声称,地球-和地球本身-是唯一真正的试验场,为上帝的子民。另外三名试图发射任务的其他国家,其中在俄罗斯和两个新设立UFAR领土,所有遭受意外事故或问题,迫使他们放弃他们的倒计时。 <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;因此,经济财富可能在火星上取得尚未声称。 <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;原来的中国航天情结-在Juiquan发射中心,位于年底长城在我国甘肃省,遭到严重破坏的几个反政府武装和********的袭击。由于这些增加攻击, UFAR政府转向邻国提供援助,以推动他们的计划是人类第一次全国建立了世界的殖民地。 <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;在一项联合秘密行动的UFAR和日本政府已开始合作,共同建造并发射尝试自己。 <BR><BR>( 252_Effect : !重新命名博士韦伯斯特) <BR>韦伯斯特博士 <BR><BR>( 251_Effect : !重新命名大会Rykov ) <BR>一般Rykov <BR><BR>( 190_Effect : $警示讯息) <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;我们应该贴近基础,我汗。 <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;无线电和卫星的报告表明重型部队在该地区的行动。相应的防守应该是我们的头等大事。 <BR><BR>( 196_Effect : $乌兰巴托讯息) <BR>“大汗!看哪宏伟哈拉乌兰巴托! <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;这巨大的网络股将帮助我们摧毁眼中的上帝和英国防! <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;所有冰雹-哈拉乌兰巴托! “ <BR><BR>( 159_Effect : $乌兰巴托研究旁白) <BR>科学家: “我汗!我带来好消息!研究人员偶然的设计矩阵的一个新的网络股! <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;这一新的单位是一个孤立的一个但是,由于所需材料将提供一个单一的版本,但其设计。 <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;您可能会研究这个股在网络工厂。 “ <BR><BR>( 146_Effect : $日本辩诉交易# 1 ) <BR>下午Hikaido : “胡关你!你必须给我们的援助!叛乱部队的指挥下,查获韦伯斯特博士的港口城市的SATA 。 <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;这是imperitive ,我们重新控制这一重要的海港。它是唯一可以创建所需的供应船码头新单位和用品,以岛上的Tangeshima这样我们就可以开始重建我们的宝贵的航天中心。 “ <BR><BR>( 211_Effect : $日本辩诉交易# 2 ) <BR>下午Hikaido : “你必须快点,胡关不要!每一个时刻,萨塔在于敌人手中是一个时刻,我们失去了宝贵的时间!如果您没有救援萨塔很快,就不会有机会来重建的航天中心,时间战胜美国人或欧洲人进入太空! “ <BR><BR>( 212_Effect : $日本辩诉交易# 3 ) <BR>下午Hikaido : “胡关你! <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;你为什么不帮助我们的失落之城?您的残酷和无情! <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;帮我找回我丢失的城市或将面临可怕的后果!我发誓,它! “ <BR><BR>( 220_Effect : $哈拉乌兰巴托工作语音) <BR>哈拉乌兰巴托: “我的汗-传感器表明存在大量的敌人在日本。 <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;这将是最好的,如果我们作出了横扫余下的日本城市根除敌军,然后再转到Tangeshima重建航天中心。 <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;建立一个攻击力,我将accopmany他们寻求与破坏的使命。 “ <BR><BR>( 187_Effect : $雷达预警) <BR>警告!雷达指示传入敌军-联合攻击期望从陆地和空中单位。 <BR><BR>( 205_Effect : $空间港口语音# 2 ) <BR>胡关别: “做得好! <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;我们设法土地部队在岛上。我们必须迅速着手进行我们的计划:重建的空间港Tangeshima 。因此,我们现在能够建立必要的建筑物,以帮助完成这一任务:在导弹基地,以及超光速研究中心。 <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;请记住,除了2导弹基地和超光速研究中心,新的航天港还应该包括一个寺庙和一所大学。确保该地区的摧毁任何敌人的部队驻在岛上。 <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;我们必须作好准备什么;韦伯斯特博士和他的军队不使用非常规武器上面。 “ <BR><BR>( 223_Effect : $胜利文字) <BR>并有华丽的轰鸣燃料和火焰,巨大的殖民地船舶升降机,从新建的航天港-和条纹穿过大气层的道路上火星。 <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;什么命运等待着新的殖民者和他们所面临的挑战将... ? <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;只有时间织告诉.... <BR><BR>( 191_Effect : %基地完成讯息) <BR>胡关你: “好极了! <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;我们已经完成了我军建设的复杂,现在已经准备好面对这一韦伯斯特博士和他的狂热的军队。 “ <BR><BR>( 259_Effect : %公民升级) <BR>出色。我们有一个新的研究中心。用它来提升我们的公民和提高我们的生产。 <BR><BR>( 178_Effect : %新空间港口讲话) <BR>胡关别: “很好。我们帮助我们的邻国日本收回其港口城市的SATA 。现在让我们着手进行下一阶段的我们的光荣使命:重建的空间港Tangeshima 。 <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;建设新的航天港应包括寺庙,一所大学,两个导弹基地和一个超光速研究中心。我们必须快点,因为英国和上帝之眼部队无疑将设法防止这种情况发生。 <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;我们必须指望沉重阻力。 “ <BR><BR>( 121_Effect : %目的# 1 ) <BR>?建立军事复杂,处理********。复应包括至少两名每个如下:军营,包围工厂,坦克厂和机场。 <BR><BR>( 229_Effect : %目的# 1_Message ) <BR>胡关别: “虽然日本已给予我们的土地的临时基地,他们是非常难过,我们的敌人袭击了他们的城市,并摧毁了他们的航天中心。 ” <BR><BR>( 230_Effect : %目的# 1_Message_1 ) <BR>胡关你: “我们必须建立我们在这里很快。虽然与我们愤怒,日本要求我们的军事支持,帮助击退英国和部队上帝之眼,因此给了我们这个小面积的建设的基础。 <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;建造两座我们每个军事生产建筑,以便我们可以保卫自己和贷款援助,我们日本的盟友。 “ <BR><BR>( 143_Effect : %目的# 2 ) <BR>?收集3000铁, 3000金, 3000粮食和3000木材,以便建立一个大学。 <BR><BR>( 141_Effect : %目的# 2_Chat ) <BR>胡关你: “我们需要改善我们的经济,或这些该死的叛乱分子将压倒我们。收集至少3000台铁,金,木材和食物。为此,我们将能够建设一个大学。 <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;一旦大学建成,我们就可以研究新的控制论公民升级,将增加我们的资源生产! “ <BR><BR>( 122_Effect : %目的# 3 ) <BR>?收集20000铁, 20000和20000黄金木材,以协助建设一个新的航天中心。 <BR><BR>( 192_Effect : %目的# 4 ) <BR>?与基完成后,本应减少的数额骚扰我们已经收到。列车合力寻找和处理英国和眼神狂热势力。 <BR><BR>( 221_Effect : %目的# 5 ) <BR>?列车混合部队的部队陪同哈拉乌兰巴托上扫来明确日本的任何及所有敌人。 <BR><BR>( 263_Effect : %目的# 6 ) <BR>?援助我们的盟国的开垦的港口城市的SATA 。位置部队在市救助它。 <BR><BR>( 264_Effect : %目的# 7 ) <BR>?清除岛上的Tangeshima的敌军部队,以便您可以建造新的太空港。 <BR><BR>( 256_Effect : %的空间港目的) <BR>?建造一个新的航天中心Tangeshima包括两个导弹基地,一座庙,以及超光速研究中心。 <BR><BR>( 20_Effect : * Kuon不要旁白# 1 ) <BR><BR><BR>从个人杂志胡关你- <BR><BR>这是说,每个家庭都有自己的困难告诉佐贺。 。 。每个人在生活中,有许多南钢面对。 。 。 <BR><BR>( 21_Effect : * Kuon不要旁白# 2 ) <BR>我的家人,你的群论-执政党众议院联邦中亚共和国。 。 。肯定有许多困难要面对, 。 。 。和许多龙战斗的最后二十年。 。 。 <BR><BR>( 22_Effect : * Kuon不要旁白# 3 ) <BR>二十年来,我们奋斗,挣扎,只有当我们想到我们面临的巨龙已经被杀害, 12多出现挑战和威胁我们。 。 。 <BR><BR>( 30_Effect : * Kuon不要旁白# 4 ) <BR>但正如刀剑的我的祖先能够奠定低的巨龙过去-我也必须面对和销毁野兽恢复秩序与和平,以我们的人民和我们的国家。 。 。 <BR><BR>( 31_Effect : * Kuon不要旁白# 5 ) <BR>然而,再次,我的家人-我们的周边国家。 。 。 <BR>我们所有人的边缘设置了探讨一个令人激动的新前沿。 。 。 <BR><BR>( 29_Effect : * Kuon不要旁白# 6 ) <BR>我们再次发现自己一套经龙。 。 。在异乡,下面这个星乌木天空。 。 。 <BR>我们再次受到犯规有碍和锻炼野兽。 。 。龙翼在空中和钢铁猛兽地上。 。 。 <BR><BR>( 48_Effect : * Kuon不要旁白# 7 ) <BR>这是最后一次。 。 。这样做我发誓。 。 。本龙将是最后一次。 。 。 <BR><BR>( 224_Effect : *位置# 1标记) <BR>该Tangeshima航天中心, 115公里处的九州- 2055年3月10日- 2100hrs <BR><BR>( 158_Effect :重新命名&lt;Command Unit*&gt; ) <BR>&nbsp;哈拉乌兰巴托 <BR><BR>( 1_Effect :重新命名日本国会) <BR>&nbsp;宫崎 <BR><BR>( 179_Effect :重新命名日本城市# 1 ) <BR>&nbsp;萨塔 <BR><BR>( 180_Effect :重新命名日本城# 2 ) <BR>&nbsp;鹿儿岛 <BR><BR>( 173_Effect :重新命名空间运输) <BR>&nbsp; Y型3倍光学殖民地运输 <BR><BR>( 51_Effect :重新命名特拉维斯) <BR>&nbsp;总理Hikaido <BR><BR>( 168_Effect :重新命名日本城市# 3 ) <BR>小林 <BR><BR>( 139_Effect :技术升级# 1 ) <BR>**新技术-大学。 <BR><BR>( 77_Effect : ü - K报表语音# 1 ) <BR>一般Rykov : “嗯,博士韦伯斯特?难道你不认为这是成功的攻击?太空港Tangeshima没有了! ” <BR><BR>( 90_Effect : ü - K报表语音# 2 ) <BR>一般Rykov : “难道我们不能离开这个宗教教条你摆脱战争,博士韦伯斯特? <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;我们必须讨论下一阶段的攻击。 。 。日本一定会报复的! “ <BR><BR>( 1_Player名称: U.F.A.R. ) <BR>( 2_Player名称:上帝之眼) <BR>( 3_Player名称:反叛部队) <BR>( 4_Player名称:新地俄罗斯) <BR>( 5_Player名称:反叛部队) <BR>( 6_Player名称:日本21世纪) <BR>( 7_Player名称:电脑) <BR>( 8_Player名称:电脑) <BR>( 9_Player名称:电脑) <BR>( 10_Player名称:电脑) <BR>( 11_Player名称:电脑) <BR>( 12_Player名称:电脑) <BR>( 13_Player名称:电脑) <BR>( 14_Player名称:电脑) <BR>( 15_Player名称:电脑) <BR>( 16_Player名称:电脑)</P></FONT>
真人游戏|足球篮球|时时ⅷ彩| 六合投ⅷ注| 网络赚钱:顶级信用ⅷ提现百分百即时到账SO.CC
 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-17 09:01:19 | 显示全部楼层


本帖最后由 wyadell 于 2015-7-11 07:34 编辑

真人游戏|足球篮球|时时┮彩| 六合投┮注| 网络赚钱:顶级信用┮提现百分百即时到账SO.CC
<P><FONT face=Tahoma color=#ff0066 size=4>亚洲战役四</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Tahoma color=#ff0066 size=4>原文:</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>{Version_1}</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>{1_After Math}</FONT></P><P><BR><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>{0_Hints}<BR>A large amount of resources will need to be gathered quickly.&nbsp; To give resources to the colony, go to the Alliances &amp; Tribute screen.&nbsp; Remember that some resources will be lost in the transaction, so more resources have to be gathered than the colony actually requires.</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>Populate your settlements for increased efficiency.</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>The rebel factions have fled to the wasteland, from which they launch guerilla raids.&nbsp; To prevent them from harassing supply lines, the resource points will have to be well defended, or the rebel bases will have to be found and eliminated.</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>{3_Instructions}<BR>Time is critical.&nbsp; Our colonists on Mars need supplies.&nbsp; Without resources they cannot build the colony, without resources they will not survive.&nbsp; A colony has to be established before competing nations claim all the mineral-rich territories, leaving UFAR an impoverished state.&nbsp; They key to success is the Space Dock.&nbsp; It is the colonists&#39; lifeline.&nbsp; The remote Mongolian Steppes are not monitored by spy satellites, and should help keep the facility a secret.&nbsp; But we must be ever vigilant.&nbsp; If our adversaries - like the Western European Alliance - learn of the facility, they will most certainly attempt to stop us.</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>Then there&#39;s the Eye of God.&nbsp; Their fanaticism endures numerous attempts to thwart them.&nbsp; They cannot see that space is our salvation, not our damnation.&nbsp; Even now they lurk in the desert, waiting for an opportunity to strike at the heart of the Space Program.&nbsp; If the Space Dock is destroyed, the colonists won&#39;t last long on their own.&nbsp; It must be protected at all costs.</FONT></P><P><BR><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>OBJECTIVES:</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>?Use the Alliance &amp; Tributes Screen to dispatch materials to the Mars Colony.&nbsp; There are many different resources available in the area.&nbsp; The resources will be processed in Carbon Refineries, so the type of resources sent doesn&#39;t matter - only the amount.</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>?Rebuild / repair the Space Dock as necessary.</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>?Rebels bases cannot be neutralized unless their fortresses are destroyed.</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>{2_History}<BR>With several countries preparing to colonize Mars, the race for space was well underway.&nbsp; No one wanted or expected UFAR to be a legitimate contender among these competing nations.&nbsp; But the Federation understood that if it was to endure, it must strike out into space in order to find the resources necessary for survival.</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>After several catastrophes befell their Space Program - both accidental and intentional - UFAR reevaluated its plans in earnest.&nbsp; It was decided that the program would benefit by maintaining a much lower profile.&nbsp; Money, material, and manpower were applied with great discretion.</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>Towards the end of the 21st century, construction of a space facility was started in the desolate Mongolian Steppes.&nbsp; All of the Federation&#39;s aspirations depended on the successful completion of this project.&nbsp; The facility would open a supply line into space, allowing UFAR to establish a large colony on Mars.</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>Once the colony was completed, it would be able to sustain itself.&nbsp; But in its infancy, the colony was vulnerable, and completely dependent on supplies from Earth.</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>{181_Effect:Instructions 1a}<BR>?Dispatch 10,000 resources to establish the Mars colony.</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>{78_Effect:Instructions 1b}<BR>?Dispatch 10,000 resources to begin reconstruction of the Mars colony.</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>{77_Effect:Instructions 2}<BR>?Dispatch 10,000 more resources to complete construction of the Mars colony.</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>{219_Effect:Instructions 3}<BR>?Assist Japan by donating 1000 in raw materials.</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>{220_Effect:Instructions 4}<BR>?Assist Japan by donating 10 military units.&nbsp; Dispatch them to the debarking platform for pick-up.</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>{170_Effect:MSG: 01 min warning}<BR>Only 1 minute left to deliver the resources to the Mars Colony!</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>{62_Effect:MSG: 05 min warning}<BR>5 Minutes remaining to deliver the resources to our colonists.</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>{61_Effect:MSG: 10 min warning}<BR>10 Minutes remaining to deliver the resources to our colonists.</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>{169_Effect:MSG: 15 min warning}<BR>15 Minutes remaining to deliver the resources to our colonists.</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>{73_Effect:MSG: 30 min to send 10k (b)}<BR>Construction of the Mars colony is underway.&nbsp; They will need 10000 more resources to complete construction.</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>{193_Effect:MSG: 30 min to send 10k (c)}<BR>10,000 Resources are needed to start rebuilding the Mars Colony.</FONT></P><P><BR><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>{168_Effect:MSG: 30 min warning}<BR>30 Minutes remaining to deliver the resources to our colonists.</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>{167_Effect:MSG: 45 min warning}<BR>45 Minutes remaining to deliver the resources to our colonists.</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>{186_Effect:MSG: 60 min to send 10k}<BR>10,000 Resources are needed to establish the Mars Colony.</FONT></P><P><BR><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>{166_Effect:MSG: 60 min warning}<BR>60 Minutes remaining to deliver the resources to our colonists.</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>{346_Effect:MSG: &gt;1000 resources given}<BR>Over 1000 resources have been sent to the Mars Colony so far.</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>{347_Effect:MSG: &gt;2000 resources given}<BR>Over 2000 resources have been sent to the Mars Colony so far.</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>{348_Effect:MSG: &gt;3000 resources given}<BR>Over 3000 resources have been sent to the Mars Colony so far.</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>{349_Effect:MSG: &gt;4000 resources given}<BR>Over 4000 resources have been sent to the Mars Colony so far.</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>{350_Effect:MSG: &gt;5000 resources given}<BR>Over 5000 resources have been sent to the Mars Colony so far.</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>{351_Effect:MSG: &gt;6000 resources given}<BR>Over 6000 resources have been sent to the Mars Colony so far.</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>{352_Effect:MSG: &gt;7000 resources given}<BR>Over 7000 resources have been sent to the Mars Colony so far.</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>{353_Effect:MSG: &gt;8000 resources given}<BR>Over 8000 resources have been sent to the Mars Colony so far.</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>{354_Effect:MSG: &gt;9000 resources given}<BR>Over 9000 resources have been sent to the Mars Colony so far.</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>{329_Effect:MSG: Allies can&#39;t help}<BR>Because we did not aid Japan, our enemies have inflicted heavy losses.&nbsp; Our allies will not be able to help us if we are attacked.</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>{256_Effect:MSG: Attack from space}<BR>Alert!&nbsp; Enemy spacecraft are taking up a geo-synchronous orbit above our Space Dock!</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>{79_Effect:MSG: Build space dock!}<BR>Resources can&#39;t be sent to the colonists without a working space dock.</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>{218_Effect:MSG: Can send resources}<BR>We have gathered the resources required by the colonists.&nbsp; Use the Alliance &amp; Tributes Screen to dispatch materials to the colony.&nbsp; The resources will be processed in Carbon Refineries, so the type of resources doesn&#39;t matter - only the amount.</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>{82_Effect:MSG: Colony gets 10k (b)}<BR>The colonists have received the resources and are now beginning the final phase of construction of the Mars colony.</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>{60_Effect:MSG: Colony under constr.}<BR>The raw materials have been received.&nbsp; Construction of the Mars colony has begun.</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>{63_Effect:MSG: Defeat 1}<BR>Without the proper materials, our people were unable to build a colony...we have lost Mars!</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>{344_Effect:MSG: Final construction}<BR>The second shipment of raw materials has been sent.&nbsp; Soon the construction of the Mars Colony will be complete.</FONT></P><P><BR><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>{343_Effect:MSG: Intolerable}<BR>These attacks on our resource centers are intolerable!&nbsp; We must either set up perimeters to fend off guerilla attacks, or take our forces into the desert and eliminate the problem at its source.</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>{75_Effect:MSG: Missed 2nd deadline}<BR>Without the second shipment of resources, the colonists were unable to finish the colony&#39;s defenses.&nbsp; Our rivals have destroyed the base and we must begin construction again.</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>{48_Effect:MSG: Rebel bases destroyed}<BR>The root of Rebel opposition has been eliminated.&nbsp; There are some reports of scattered resistance, but it&#39;s unlikely to amount to much.</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>{373_Effect:MSG: Recovered resources}<BR>1000 resources were recovered from the Rebel base.</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>{233_Effect:MSG: Resources not sent}<BR>Because we did not send resources to our allies, they were not able to hold the front lines.&nbsp; We better be prepared for an attack!</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>{243_Effect:MSG: Resources sent}<BR>Resources have been sent to our allies.&nbsp; They were crucial in preventing an attack that would have threatened our borders.</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>{223_Effect:MSG: Send resources}<BR>Our allies need our assistance.&nbsp; They are requesting that we send raw materials to aid in their war effort against the Western European Alliance.</FONT></P><P><BR><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>{222_Effect:MSG: Send troops 1}<BR>Our allies need our assistance.&nbsp; They are requesting that we send troops to help fight the Western European Alliance.</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>{327_Effect:MSG: Send troops 2}<BR>Have troops report to the debarkation area.&nbsp; Allied ships will pick them up and transport them to the front lines.</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>{328_Effect:MSG: Space dock destroyed}<BR>The Space Dock has been destroyed!&nbsp; With no means of transportation to the Colony, our colonists - our people - are lost!</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>{234_Effect:MSG: Troops not sent}<BR>Because we did not send troops to our allies, they were not able to hold the front lines.&nbsp; We better be prepared for an attack!</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>{241_Effect:MSG: Troops sent}<BR>Troops have been sent to our allies - and just in time!&nbsp; They helped fend off an attack that would have threatened our borders.</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>{326_Effect:MSG: Victory}<BR>UFAR has gained a foothold on the Planet Mars.&nbsp; Our colonists are to be commended for their tireless efforts and continuing bravery in the new frontier.&nbsp; Soon mighty factories will rise above the red landscape, generating plentiful resources for our nation and our people.</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>The Federation has weathered some truly turbulent events.&nbsp; But now that we have established ourselves as an international - indeed, an interplanetary power, we can look forward to prosperous times and opportunities as limitless as space itself.</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>{331_Effect:Text: Cinematic 1a}<BR>The Mongolian Steppes.&nbsp; Nomads still wander this desert, as their ancestors have in generations past</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>{332_Effect:Text: Cinematic 1b}<BR>A dry, inhospitable land where only the most rugged people would choose to live.</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>{333_Effect:Text: Cinematic 1c}<BR>To look at it, one would think it had not changed in centuries.</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>{334_Effect:Text: Cinematic 1d}<BR>It is ironic that such a symbol of Asia&#39;s past should become the portent of its future.</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>{337_Effect:Text: Cinematic 1e}<BR>It is also a great irony that this desert, choked with dust, is not so different from the vast landscapes that cover Mars.</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>{336_Effect:Text: Cinematic 1f}<BR>Gleaming pillars stretch skyward, pointing to the distant red planet which holds a nation&#39;s hopes.</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>{338_Effect:Text: Cinematic 1g}<BR>But even as we were poised to reach up into space, our adversaries stared back, reaching down to stop us.</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>{339_Effect:Text: Cinematic 1h}<BR>Our secret facility was clearly not so secret.</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>{340_Effect:Text: Cinematic 1i}<BR>Had our first pioneers known that their only lifeline had been destroyed by the time they had reached the new world, would they still have found the courage to take the journey?</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>{341_Effect:Text: Cinematic 1j}<BR>More importantly, can we reopen that lifeline in time to save them?</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Tahoma size=4>{1_Player Name:UFAR}<BR>{2_Player Name:Japan}<BR>{3_Player Name:Mars Colony}<BR>{4_Player Name:Eye of God}<BR>{5_Player Name:European Alliance}<BR>{6_Player Name:电脑}<BR>{7_Player Name:电脑}<BR>{8_Player Name:电脑}<BR>{9_Player Name:电脑}<BR>{10_Player Name:电脑}<BR>{11_Player Name:电脑}<BR>{12_Player Name:电脑}<BR>{13_Player Name:电脑}<BR>{14_Player Name:电脑}<BR>{15_Player Name:电脑}<BR>{16_Player Name:电脑}</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Tahoma color=#f70968 size=4>译文:</FONT></P><FONT face=Tahoma size=4><DIV id=result_box dir=ltr>( Version_1 ) <BR><BR>数学) ( 1_After <BR><BR><BR>( 0_Hints ) <BR>大量的资源将需要收集迅速。为了使资源向殖民地,到联盟与致敬屏幕。请记住,有些资源将丢失的交易,所以更多的资源,必须收集比实际需要的殖民地。 <BR><BR>填充定居点提高效率。 <BR><BR>叛乱派别已逃到荒地,由他们发起游击战突袭。以防止他们骚扰的补给线,资源分,将有良好的防守,或叛军基地将必须发现和消除。 <BR><BR>( 3_Instructions ) <BR>时间是至关重要的。我们需要在火星上殖民者用品。没有资源,他们不能建立殖民地,没有资源,他们将无法生存。一个殖民地,必须建立在相互竞争的国家索赔所有矿产丰富的地区,离开UFAR贫困状态。他们成功的关键还在于空间码头。这是殖民主义者&#39;生命线。远程蒙古草原没有监测的间谍卫星,并应有助于保持一个秘密设施。但是,我们必须时刻保持警惕。如果我们的对手-如西欧联盟-学习设施,他们肯定会试图阻止我们。 <BR><BR>此外,还有眼上帝。他们的狂热忍受多次试图阻止他们。他们无法看到,空间是我们的拯救,而不是我们的诅咒。即使是现在,他们潜伏在沙漠中,等待着一个机会,罢工的核心太空计划。如果空间码头被毁,移民不会持续很长时间自己。它必须受到保护,不惜一切代价。 <BR><BR><BR>目的: <BR><BR>?使用联盟和赞扬屏幕派遣材料的火星殖民地。有许多不同的资源在该地区。这些资源将被处理的碳炼油厂,使资源的类型发送无关紧要-唯一的数额。 <BR><BR>?重建/修复空间码头是必要的。 <BR><BR>?叛军基地不能消除,除非他们的堡垒被摧毁。 <BR><BR>( 2_History ) <BR>与一些国家进行殖民火星的准备,在比赛的空间顺利进行。没有人希望或预期UFAR是一个合法的竞争者,其中包括竞争问题。但是,联邦理解,如果是要持久,就必须罢工进入太空,以找到所需的资源,以求生存。 <BR><BR>灾难降临后,他们的太空计划-不论是意外的还是故意的- UFAR重新评估其计划认真。会议决定,该计划将有利于维持一个要低得多。金钱,物质和人力都怀着极大的自由裁量权适用。 <BR><BR>接近年底的21世纪,建设一个空间设施,开始在荒凉的蒙古大草原。所有联邦的愿望取决于成功地完成了这一项目。该设施将开启电源线进入太空,从而使UFAR建立一个大型的殖民地火星上。 <BR><BR>一旦殖民地已经完成,它能够自我维持。但是,在初级阶段,是弱势群体,并完全依赖供应地球。 <BR><BR>( 181_Effect :说明第1a ) <BR>?调度10,000资源建立火星殖民地。 <BR><BR>( 78_Effect :指示1B款) <BR>?调度10,000资源开始重建的火星殖民地。 <BR><BR>( 77_Effect :说明2 ) <BR>?调度10,000更多的资源来完成建造火星殖民地。 <BR><BR>( 219_Effect :说明3 ) <BR>?协助日本捐赠1000原材料。 <BR><BR>( 220_Effect :说明4 ) <BR>?协助日本捐赠10军事单位。派遣到debarking平台回升。 <BR><BR>( 170_Effect :味精: 01分钟预警) <BR>仅1分钟时,提供的资源,火星殖民地! <BR><BR>( 62_Effect :味精: 05分钟预警) <BR>5分钟提供的资源,我们的殖民者。 <BR><BR>( 61_Effect :味精: 10分钟预警) <BR>10分钟,提供的资源,我们的殖民者。 <BR><BR>( 169_Effect :味精: 15分钟预警) <BR>15分钟,提供的资源,我们的殖民者。 <BR><BR>( 73_Effect :味精: 30分钟发出的10K (二) ) <BR>建设火星殖民地正在进行。他们将需要更多的资源10000完成建设。 <BR><BR>( 193_Effect :味精: 30分钟发出的10K (三) ) <BR>10,000资源需要开始重建的火星殖民地。 <BR><BR><BR>( 168_Effect :味精: 30分钟预警) <BR>30分钟,提供的资源,我们的殖民者。 <BR><BR>( 167_Effect :味精: 45分钟预警) <BR>45分钟,提供的资源,我们的殖民者。 <BR><BR>( 186_Effect :味精: 60分发送的10K ) <BR>10,000资源需要建立火星殖民地。 <BR><BR><BR>( 166_Effect :味精: 60分钟预警) <BR>60分钟,提供的资源,我们的殖民者。 <BR><BR>( 346_Effect :消息: “ 1000年提供的资源) <BR>超过1000的资源已被送往火星殖民地迄今。 <BR><BR>( 347_Effect :消息: “ 2000年提供的资源) <BR>比2000年的资源已被送往火星殖民地迄今。 <BR><BR>( 348_Effect :消息: “ 3000资源给予) <BR>3000资源已被送往火星殖民地迄今。 <BR><BR>( 349_Effect :消息: “ 4000资源给予) <BR>4000资源已被送往火星殖民地迄今。 <BR><BR>( 350_Effect :消息: “ 5000资源给予) <BR>5000资源已被送往火星殖民地迄今。 <BR><BR>( 351_Effect :消息: “ 6000资源给予) <BR>超过6000的资源已被送往火星殖民地迄今。 <BR><BR>( 352_Effect :消息: “ 7000资源给予) <BR>超过7000的资源已被送往火星殖民地迄今。 <BR><BR>( 353_Effect :消息: “ 8000资源给予) <BR>超过8000的资源已被送往火星殖民地迄今。 <BR><BR>( 354_Effect :消息: “ 9000资源给予) <BR>超过9000的资源已被送往火星殖民地迄今。 <BR><BR>( 329_Effect :味精:盟军不能不) <BR>因为我们没有日本的援助,我们的敌人造成巨大损失。我们的盟国将无法帮助我们如果我们受到攻击。 <BR><BR>( 256_Effect :味精:攻击空间) <BR>警报!敌人的航天器被占用的地理同步轨道以上我们的空间船坞! <BR><BR>( 79_Effect :味精:建立空间船坞! ) <BR>资源不能被发送到殖民者没有一个工作空间对接。 <BR><BR>( 218_Effect :味精:可以传送资源) <BR>我们已经收集到所需要的资源殖民者。使用该联盟与赞扬屏派遣材料的殖民地。这些资源将被处理的碳炼油厂,使资源的类型并不重要-只有数额。 <BR><BR>( 82_Effect :味精:殖民地获得的10K (二) ) <BR>殖民者已收到的资源和现在开始最后阶段的建设的火星殖民地。 <BR><BR>( 60_Effect :味精:殖民地根据构造。 ) <BR>原材料已经收到。建设火星殖民地已经开始。 <BR><BR>( 63_Effect :味精:失败1 ) <BR>没有适当的材料,我们的人民无法建立一个殖民地...我们已经失去了火星! <BR><BR>( 344_Effect :味精:最后施工) <BR>第二批原料已发送。即将建设的火星殖民地将完成。 <BR><BR><BR>( 343_Effect :味精:不能容忍) <BR>这些攻击对我们的资源中心,是不能容忍的!我们必须建立周边抵御游击队的攻击,或把我们的部队进入沙漠和消除问题的根源。 <BR><BR>( 75_Effect :味精:错失第二期限) <BR>而第二批资源,殖民者无法完成殖民地的防御。我们的对手已经摧毁了基地,我们必须再次开始建设。 <BR><BR>( 48_Effect :味精:叛军基地摧毁) <BR>叛乱的根源反对派已经消除。有一些报告分散性,但它不可能达到的。 <BR><BR>( 373_Effect :味精:回收资源) <BR>1000年的资源,从叛军基地。 <BR><BR>( 233_Effect :味精:资源不发送) <BR>因为我们没有把资源,我们的盟友,他们无法举行前线。我们更好地做好准备攻击! <BR><BR>( 243_Effect :味精:资源发送) <BR>资源已经发送到我们的盟友。他们是至关重要的防止了攻击,能够将威胁我们的边界。 <BR><BR>( 223_Effect :味精:发送资源) <BR>我们的盟友需要我们的援助。他们要求我们发送的原材料,以帮助他们对战争努力的西欧联盟。 <BR><BR><BR>( 222_Effect :味精:派遣军队1 ) <BR>我们的盟友需要我们的援助。他们要求我们派军队协助打击西欧联盟。 <BR><BR>( 327_Effect :味精:派兵2 ) <BR>有部队向登陆地区。盟军舰只将接他们时,并把它们运往前线。 <BR><BR>( 328_Effect :味精:空间对接摧毁) <BR>空间码头已被摧毁!由于没有交通工具的殖民地,我们的殖民者-我们的人民-都将丢失! <BR><BR>( 234_Effect :味精:部队不会发送) <BR>因为我们不出兵我们的盟友,他们无法举行前线。我们更好地做好准备攻击! <BR><BR>( 241_Effect :味精:派出的部队) <BR>部队已经发送到我们的盟友-和公正的时间!他们帮助抵御了攻击,能够将威胁我们的边界。 <BR><BR>( 326_Effect :味精:胜利) <BR>UFAR已站稳脚跟火星上。我们的殖民者是值得赞扬,他们的不懈努力和持续的勇敢的新领域。强大的工厂将很快超越红色景观,创造丰富的资源,我们的国家和我们的人民。 <BR><BR>该联合会的一些真正经受住了动荡的事件。但是现在,我们已经建立了自己作为一个国际-事实上,星际力量,我们可以期待着繁荣的时间和机会是无限的空间本身。 <BR><BR>( 331_Effect :文字:电影第1a ) <BR>蒙古大草原。牧民仍然徘徊此沙漠,因为他们的祖先在过去几代人 <BR><BR>( 332_Effect :文字:电影1B款) <BR>,干燥荒凉的土地上只有最坚固的人会选择居住。 <BR><BR>( 333_Effect :文字:电影1C号) <BR>看看它,人们会认为这并没有改变的世纪。 <BR><BR>( 334_Effect :文字:电影1 ) <BR>具有讽刺意味的是,这样一个象征亚洲过去应成为其未来的预兆。 <BR><BR>( 337_Effect :文字:电影1e ) <BR>这也是一个莫大的讽刺,这沙漠,哽咽灰尘,是不是非常不同的景观,覆盖广大火星。 <BR><BR>( 336_Effect :文字:电影1楼) <BR>闪烁的支柱伸展向上,指向遥远的红色星球持有一个民族的希望。 <BR><BR>( 338_Effect :文字:电影1克) <BR>但是,即使我们正准备可达进入太空,我们的对手盯着回,达到以阻止我们。 <BR><BR>( 339_Effect :文字:电影的1H ) <BR>我们的秘密设施,显然不是秘密。 <BR><BR>( 340_Effect :文字:电影1i ) <BR>在我们的第一个开拓者知道他们的唯一生命线已被摧毁的时候,他们已经达到了新的世界,将他们仍然已经找到了勇气的旅程? <BR><BR>( 341_Effect :文字:电影1j ) <BR>更重要的是,我们可以重新开始的生命线及时救他们? <BR><BR>( 1_Player名称: UFAR ) <BR>( 2_Player名称:日本) <BR>( 3_Player名称:火星殖民地) <BR>( 4_Player名称:上帝之眼) <BR>( 5_Player名称:欧洲联盟) <BR>( 6_Player名称:电脑) <BR>( 7_Player名称:电脑) <BR>( 8_Player名称:电脑) <BR>( 9_Player名称:电脑) <BR>( 10_Player名称:电脑) <BR>( 11_Player名称:电脑) <BR>( 12_Player名称:电脑) <BR>( 13_Player名称:电脑) <BR>( 14_Player名称:电脑) <BR>( 15_Player名称:电脑) <BR>( 16_Player名称:电脑)</DIV><P><BR>&nbsp;</P></FONT>
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