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地球帝国 音效音乐MOD

发表于 2012-1-5 15:14:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 龙族星龙 于 2012-1-6 00:00 编辑

File name (.wav format) Short Description
文件名为 WAV 音乐功能   
Animals  动物
bark1 scout dog select (单乐名称 选择狗时发出的音效)
bark2 scout dog move
bird2-8 ambient birds
bird-8 ambient birds
crows-8 crows
chicken-8 chicken death
giraffe-8 giraffe death
growl-8 wolf attack
horsebreath-8 horse breath sound effect
horsebreath2-8 horse breath sound effect
horsewine2sid148 general horse death
horsewine3sid149 general horse select
owl-8 ambient owl
seagledie-8 seagul death
selephantroar1-8 elephant attack (war and wild elephants)
selephantroar2-8 elephant death
selephantwalk-8 elephant walk
sgoat-8 goat sound
sgoatdie-8 goat death
sgoatwalk2 goat walking
shippoattack2 hipopotamus attack
shippodie-8 hipopotamus death
shorsewine-8 horse select
snewhorse-8 general horse move
sostrichdie-8 ostrich death
sostrichwalk ostrich walk
stigerdie-8 tiger death
stigerroar-8 tiger attack
stigerwalk2-8 tiger and dog walk
wolfdeath-8 wolf death
dogbark-8 ambient dog bark
dayambient-8 night crickets
flies-8 corpse flies
jungle2-8 jungle
jungle-8 jungle
lightning2-8 thunder before rain
inferno-8 fire
nightambience1b_8 night crickets
ocean1 ocean
rain-8 rain
rooster-8 rooster cocoricooo
thunder-8 thunder rain
treewind-8 tree and wind
wind2-8 strong wind
wind-8 normal wind
wolfhowl-8 wolf howl
Swords & Spears  
sspear spearman attack
ssword4b short sword
sword1-8 sword
sword2-8 sword
sword3-8 sword
sword4-8 sword
sword5-8 sword
sword6-8 sword
Guns / Laser guns  
laser1-8 laser gun
laser2-8 laser gun
laser3-8 laser gun
laser4-8 laser gun
mgun1-8 modern gun
mgun2-8 modern gun
mgun3-8 modern gun
mortar-8 trench mortar
resonator-8 resonator
rifle1-8 ancient gun
rifle2-8 ancient gun
rifle3-8 ancient gun
rifle4-8 ancient gun
rifle5-8 ancient gun
snipergun-8 sniper shot
cannon2-8 cannon
cannon3-8 cannon
cannon4-8 ancient cannon
cannon5-8 ancient cannon
cannon6-8 tower cannon
cannon7-8 howitzer cannon
cannon8-8 artillery
lasercannon-8 laser tank cannon
multicannon-8 flack halftrack firing
pulsecannon-8 laser shot with shock effect
mechwalk3-8 mech walking
smechshutdown mech shut down
smechwalking1 mech walking
smechwalking2-8 mech walking
ramcrashsid141 ram attack
scatamove-8 catapult move
scatamove2-8 trebuchet move
saamove2-8 modern age cannon move
scatapultshot-8 catapult shot
siegeselect-8 siege weapon select
siegecreate-8 siege weapon created
tankcreate-8 modern siege created
airport1 airport
archery-8 archery range
garrison church bell
dock-8 dock
barracks2-8 barracks
gate-8 gate open/close
hospital-8 hospital
naval-8 naval shipyard
siege-8 siege workshop
stable-8 stable
temple-8 temple
buildingselect town center
boatbell-8 ship created
sbattlemove2-8 modern battleship moving
sshipsink-8 ship sinking
storpedo1 submarine torpedo
submovementsid27 submarine moving
sfish-8 ancient fishing ship
Other Weapons  
rock-8 rock thrower shoot
rockhit-8 siege weapon hit building
sarrow arrow shoot
sarrow2 arrow shoot
sclub-8 club and mace hit
sflamethrow flame thrower attack
smissile1 grenade launcher, bazooka, fighter bomber missile and helicopter anti-tank
whip-8 Sargon attack
explosion1-8 tank and cannon exploding
explosion2-8 cannon hit building
explosion4-8 mortar and artillery hit ground
explosion5-8 tower missile hit ground
av7cannon-8 tank shot
stankcreate tank created
stankmove1b another tank movement
stankmove2b main tank move
antimatter-8 anti-matter storm
battlecry2-8 male battlecry
battlecry-8 female battlecry
buildcreate2-8 building complete
buildingblow3-8 building destroyed
carengine3-8 car
churricane hurricane calamity
dpr1deuswalt2 prophet spell:"The Lord's word!"
earthquake-8 earthquake calamity
convert2-8 priest created
garrison2 populate building
priestcreate-8 priest converting
rally define rally point
rats-8 plague calamity
svolcano-8 volcano calamity
teleport-8 teleport
transport-8 unit boarding transport
unitcreate2-8 military unit created
smining3 citizen mining
sfarm citizen farming
schop2 citizen chopping wood
sbuild2a citizen building
mining2-8 citizen mining
citizen-8 citizen created
build-8 citizen building
woodchop-8 citizen chopping wood
forage2-8 citizen foraging
child2-8 child select
child-8 child move
childdeath-8 child death
balloon-8 hot air baloon
jetmovesid162 jet plane move
nanoheli-8 future helicopter
planegun1-8 airplane machine gun
planecreate-8 aircraft created
heligun1-8 helicopter machine gun
sbomb bomber dropping bombs
sbomber-8 bomber moving
sheli1 helicopter move
sheli2 helicopter idle
sjetcrash jet plane crash
splanecrash normal plane crash
spropww1-8 WW1 plane
spropww2-8 WW2 plane
ssiren2-8 air attack warning
button1 menu button select
button2 menu button canceled
button3 dropdown
button4 dropdown select select
button5 negative
clock-8 choose civilization time expiring
compattack computer player ally attack
fanfare-8 scenario objective changed
flare-8 flare
frameoff frame off
frameon frame on
hotkeyalarm hotkey negative
message-8 message
outofsynch out of synch warning
remove me feral growl
resending beep
wonderclock player started wonder
Other / Unknow  
booted robotic sound
breath1 scary breath sound
breath2 scary breath sound
croud-8 crowd sound effect
galory a man saying "galory"
metalbang-8 a metal bang
register-8 $$$
runaway almost imperceptible sound
shield2-8 maybe a shield in nano age
shover1-8 hover craft
shovermove2-8 hover movement with blimps
shovermove3-8 hover movement
slightning2-8 thunder sound
spideywalk3-8 kind of spider robot sound
searthquake earthquake sound
Interface music (.mp3 format) Description
eeintro main opening theme of Empire Earth
siege secondary opening theme
arturian winner music

音效的文件为 wav
背景音乐文件为 MP3

把需要的音效/背景音乐文件入在 \Data\Sounds\
改名以上 系统默认的文件名. 在游戏中,将被采用

Animals  动物
bark1 scout dog select (音乐名称 选择狗时发出的音效)
bark2 scout dog move (音乐名称 狗移动时发出的音效)

下载一个自己喜欢的音乐(WAV格式或利用软件转为 WAV格式)
然后改名 bark1.wav ,放在 \Data\Sounds\ 下,在游戏中,你选择狗时,就会发出这个音效

MP3 部分就是 地球帝国背景音乐
eeintro main opening theme of Empire Earth

音乐名称 地球主背景音乐(菜单时播放的音乐)
发表于 2012-1-5 19:35:14 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-1-6 22:45:21 | 显示全部楼层
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