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发表于 2007-7-28 03:03:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 wyadell 于 2015-7-11 07:35 编辑

真人游戏|足球篮球|时时$彩| 六合投$注| 网络赚钱:顶级信用$提现百分百即时到账SO.CC
<P>EE单位修改器</P><P>失真音注:</P><P><A target=_blank href="http://www3.eetpy.cn/rvq/EEDBEdit.exe" target=_blank>http://www3.eetpy.cn/rvq/EEDBEdit.exe</A>&nbsp; </P><P><A target=_blank href="http://www.eetpy.cn/rvq/EEDBEdit.exe" target=_blank>http://www.eetpy.cn/rvq/EEDBEdit.exe</A>&nbsp; </P><P>汉化完毕,想试的拿去用.</P><P>&nbsp;</P><P>&nbsp;</P><P>[此帖子已被 圆周率派 在 2009-9-22 17:46:05 编辑过]</P><p>[此帖子已被 失真音 在 2009-9-22 22:13:53 编辑过]
真人游戏|足球篮球|时时$彩| 六合投$注| 网络赚钱:顶级信用$提现百分百即时到账SO.CC
发表于 2007-7-29 19:37:26 | 显示全部楼层


// 从资源 9:
128, "EEDBEdit"
// 从资源 2049:
32771, "Object File"
32773, "Area Effect File"
// 从资源 3585:
57344, "EEDBEdit"
57345, "Ready"
// 从资源 3603:
57632, "Erase the selection\nErase"
57633, "Erase everything\nErase All"
57634, "Copy the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCopy"
57635, "Cut the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCut"
57636, "Find the specified text\nFind"
57637, "Insert Clipboard contents\nPaste"
57640, "Repeat the last action\nRepeat"
57641, "Replace specific text with different text\nReplace"
57642, "Select the entire document\nSelect All"
57643, "Undo the last action\nUndo"
57644, "Redo the previously undone action\nRedo"
// 从资源 3604:
57653, "Split the active window into panes\nSplit"
// 从资源 3605:
57664, "Display program information, version number and copyright\nAbout"
57665, "Quit the application; prompts to save documents\nExit"
// 从资源 3606:
57680, "Switch to the next window pane\nNext Pane"
57681, "Switch back to the previous window pane\nPrevious Pane"
// 从资源 3697:
59136, "EXT"
59137, "CAP"
59138, "NUM"
59139, "SCRL"
59140, "OVR"
59141, "REC"
// 从资源 3713:
59392, "Show or hide the toolbar\nToggle ToolBar"
59393, "Show or hide the status bar\nToggle StatusBar"
// 从资源 3825:
61184, "Change the window size"
61185, "Change the window position"
61186, "Reduce the window to an icon"
61187, "Enlarge the window to full size"
61188, "Switch to the next document window"
61189, "Switch to the previous document window"
61190, "Close the active window and prompts to save the documents"
// 从资源 3826:
61202, "Restore the window to normal size"
61203, "Activate Task List"




发表于 2007-7-29 19:38:44 | 显示全部楼层


---- 菜单 ------
&File >
&Edit >
&View >
  &Status Bar
&Help >
  &About EEDBEdit...
 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-29 19:56:42 | 显示全部楼层


本帖最后由 wyadell 于 2015-7-11 07:35 编辑

真人游戏|足球篮球|时时╕彩| 六合投╕注| 网络赚钱:顶级信用╕提现百分百即时到账SO.CC
<P>STRINGTABLE(字符串表)<BR>{<BR>// 从资源 9:<BR>128, "EEDBEdit"<BR>// 从资源 2049:<BR>32771, "Object File"<BR>32773, "Area Effect File"<BR>// 从资源 3585:<BR>57344, "EEDBEdit"<BR>57345, "Ready"<BR>// 从资源 3603:<BR>57632, "Erase the selection(消除选择项目)&#92;nErase"<BR>57633, "Erase everything(消除一切)&#92;nErase All"<BR>57634, "Copy the selection and put it on the Clipboard(复制选择项以及置于写字板)&#92;nCopy"<BR>57635, "Cut the selection and put it on the Clipboard(剪切选择项以及置于写字板)&#92;nCut"<BR>57636, "Find the specified text(寻找特殊的文本)&#92;nFind"<BR>57637, "Insert Clipboard contents(插入写字板的内容)&#92;nPaste"<BR>57640, "Repeat the last action(重复上一步动作)&#92;nRepeat"<BR>57641, "Replace specific text with different text(将不同的文本替换原有的特殊文本)</P><P>&#92;nReplace"<BR>57642, "Select the entire document(选择全部文件)&#92;nSelect All"<BR>57643, "Undo the last action(取消上一步动作)&#92;nUndo"<BR>57644, "Redo the previously undone action(重做之前被取消的动作)&#92;nRedo"<BR>// 从资源 3604:<BR>57653, "Split the active window into panes(将现行的窗口切开并且置于方格中&lt;注:这个我不太确</P><P>定&gt;)&#92;nSplit"<BR>// 从资源 3605:<BR>57664, "Display program information, version number and copyright(显示程式的资讯,版本以及</P><P>版权说明)&#92;nAbout"<BR>57665, "Quit the application; prompts to save documents(退出应用程式,及时地保存文档)</P><P>&#92;nExit"<BR>// 从资源 3606:<BR>57680, "Switch to the next window pane(调到下一个视窗格)&#92;nNext Pane"<BR>57681, "Switch back to the previous window pane(调回之前的视窗格)&#92;nPrevious Pane"<BR>// 从资源 3697:<BR>59136, "EXT"<BR>59137, "CAP"<BR>59138, "NUM"<BR>59139, "SCRL"<BR>59140, "OVR"<BR>59141, "REC"<BR>// 从资源 3713:<BR>59392, "Show or hide the toolbar(显示/隐藏工具条)&#92;nToggle ToolBar"<BR>59393, "Show or hide the status bar(显示/隐藏状态栏)&#92;nToggle StatusBar"<BR>// 从资源 3825:<BR>61184, "Change the window size(改变视窗的尺寸)"<BR>61185, "Change the window position(改变视窗的位置)"<BR>61186, "Reduce the window to an icon(将视窗还原为图标)"<BR>61187, "Enlarge the window to full size(将视窗扩大为全频模式)"<BR>61188, "Switch to the next document window(调到下一个文件窗口)"<BR>61189, "Switch to the previous document window(调到之前的文件窗口)"<BR>61190, "Close the active window and prompts to save the documents(关闭现行的窗口以及及时地保存文件)"<BR>// 从资源 3826:<BR>61202, "Restore the window to normal size(将视窗还原为标准尺寸)"<BR>61203, "Activate Task List(激活任务列表)"<BR>}</P><P>&nbsp;</P><P><BR>差不多是这样的。</P>
真人游戏|足球篮球|时时╕彩| 六合投╕注| 网络赚钱:顶级信用╕提现百分百即时到账SO.CC
发表于 2009-9-22 06:26:14 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2009-9-23 01:46:26 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-9-23 02:40:59 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2009-9-23 06:14:34 | 显示全部楼层




发表于 2009-9-23 22:36:47 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2009-9-23 23:32:41 | 显示全部楼层


本帖最后由 wyadell 于 2015-7-11 07:35 编辑

真人游戏|足球篮球|时时Ε彩| 六合投Ε注| 网络赚钱:顶级信用Ε提现百分百即时到账SO.CC
<STRONG>失真大大 这个修改器 怎么改呢 每个文件都点了 好像没有可以打开的文件</STRONG>
真人游戏|足球篮球|时时Ε彩| 六合投Ε注| 网络赚钱:顶级信用Ε提现百分百即时到账SO.CC
发表于 2009-11-2 21:57:03 | 显示全部楼层


本帖最后由 wyadell 于 2015-7-11 07:35 编辑

真人游戏|足球篮球|时时≡彩| 六合投≡注| 网络赚钱:顶级信用≡提现百分百即时到账SO.CC
真人游戏|足球篮球|时时≡彩| 六合投≡注| 网络赚钱:顶级信用≡提现百分百即时到账SO.CC
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